% Yesterday I had another VA Hospital appointment. I arrived a little early
as used my (issued) rollator/walker to head in from the crowded parking lot
to the main entrance. This day's experience had far less (old) vets roaming
the corridors/hallways in (issued) e-mobility scooters. 

{I'm trying to postpone having to use a e-mobility cart as long as I can,
but I know it is in my future as each step is large amount of arthritic
pain. But as I push through the pain (not unlike a young man feeling an
exercise-burn of trying to build his muscles/to get the girl, etc.), each
time I see a vet that has to use an e-mobility aid from a lost limb, I
persevere harder to use the body I was given as long as I can.}

After my (cardio-echo scan) appointment, and I was heading out of the VA
hospital, I saw what looked like a self-balancing wheel-chair (but with
Segway size and style wheels), being used by a young vet [
].  It looked like he and the chair were in tune with each other (like it
was now a part of his body), as he controlled it quite well.

I was lucky enough to catch up with Guillermo Tejada (GySgt. USMC Ret.,
Warrior Board Member) [
]. He let me know he worked with an organization/group [
] that converts/modifies Segways for Veteran's use. 

Looking at their website, veterans with service related
injuries/disabilities (from difficulty walking, to dysfunctional or missing
lower limbs, +more) [

] use these converted/ modified Segways as their e-mobility.

Below I have several links to explore relating to segs4vets.ngo efforts as
well as past Segway newswires.

Segs4Vets Reaches Out To Horse Racing To Assist Disabled Riders
08.15.2017  Ray Paulick

Jockey Anne Von Rosen, with U.S. military veterans during a winner's circle
ceremony at Del Mar

Anne Von Rosen, with Stacy Campo, Zach Reeves of Segs4Vets and her dog Lily

Anne Von Rosen has a new ride, but she'd rather it be on a horse.

Her legs paralyzed in a March 11, 2014, spill at Turf Paradise in Phoenix,
Ariz., Von Rosen was in Del Mar, Calif., last week to receive a retrofitted
Segway personal transporter from the parent company of Segs4Vets [
], an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that has provided more than
1,600 Segways to assist men and women in the U.S. military who returned home
with severe wounds suffered during their service in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“It's pretty cool because you have your hands free,” Von Rosen said of the
ALLY chair, which is built on a Segway frame and allows the user to go
forward or backwards by using their core – leaning in the direction they
want to go. A stick serves as a steering device.

“But I'm not going to sit in a wheelchair the rest of my life,” Rosen said
with conviction. “I'm going to walk again.”

Von Rosen was accompanied to Del Mar by her friend, trainer Stacy Campo, and
her faithful canine companion, Lily, who seemed to enjoy riding on Von
Rosen's lap as she moved around on the ALLY chair during a training session
given by Segs4Vets volunteers.

A native of Germany, Von Rosen was chosen to be the first disabled jockey
recipient of an ALLY chair through discussions with the Permanently Disabled
Jockeys Fund and Jockeys' Guild. The chair was purchased thanks to donations
of horsemen at Del Mar racetrack.

Segway ALLY chairs are not cheap, costing approximately $15,000 each.
Segs4Vets is part of DRAFT (Disability Rights Advocates for Technology) and
began in 2005 as a grassroots effort to provide seriously wounded service
men and women every resource available to become as independent as possible.
Every dollar donated to Segs4Vets goes toward getting a disabled veteran
into a Segway or ALLY chair, the latter of which was developed in 2014 for
those veterans who could not use a standing Segway.

At Del Mar on Saturday, two wounded veterans were given ALLY chairs in a
winner's circle ceremony that also included Von Rosen receiving her chair. A
$50,000 challenge grant was received at the Del Mar event, that attracted
many previous ALLY chair recipients and former service men and women from
the San Diego area, including retired Marine Col. Harvey C. Barnum Jr.,
recipient of the Medal of Honor for valor during the Vietnam War. Rep.
Darrell Issa, who represents California's 69th district, also attended the
event. Among the horse racing participants who spent time with Rosen and the
military veterans were Hall of Fame jockeys Mike Smith and Gary Stevens and
Kentucky Derby-winning trainers Bob Baffert and Doug O'Neill.

Segs4Vet, based in St. Louis, Mo., is looking to strengthen its ties to the
horse racing industry.

Anne Von Rosen, with Stacy Campo, Zach Reeves of Segs4Vets and her dog Lily

Von Rosen, who lives in Phoenix, has undergone different traditional and
non-traditional medical procedures to try and heal her T5 vertebra, which
was severed in the accident. She undergoes physical therapy five days a week
and goes to the gym on weekends.

She drives a car, using hand controls, but Von Rosen will need a new lift to
hold her Segway ALLY chair, which weighs 170 pounds. She's been using a
manual wheelchair, which puts enormous stress on her shoulders and prevents
her from using her hands while in motion.

The battery-operated Segway ALLY chair needs recharging after eight hours of
operation and goes as far as 21 miles on a single charge. Its top speed is
12 ½ miles per hour.

All things considered, however, Von Rosen would rather be on a horse. “I
trust the horses more than the machines,” she said with a smile.

Click here for more information or to make a donation to Segs4Vets
(@Segs4Vets on Twitter) [

Click here for more information or to make a donation to the Permanently
Disabled Jockeys Fund (@PDJFund on Twitter) [
] ... [© 2019 Paulick Report  paulickreport.com]

Segs4Vets program brings mobility, healing
May 19, 2011 - I want to get out and do more stuff,” he said. Since
Segs4Vets was begun in 2005 by a nonprofit called Disability Rights
Advocates for ...

Senator Tammy Duckworth on the Attack that Took Her Legs—and ...
Sep 12, 2018  She is sitting in the chair, a souped-up Segway that she
received from a veterans' group, in a small office close to the floor of the
U.S. Senate ...
 Looped over its ...  

Military members’ service honored through startup money, Segway chairs
WTOP-May 5, 2018  But a D.C.-area veteran who has gotten a helping hand
wants the world to know he is grateful. “I got a Segway chair last year, and
I have to tell you: It's a game ...

EVLN: Heartwarming feedback for hands-free Segway-based OGO e-Wheelchair
... "My main driving force is to make a difference in people's lives," he
said. He got the idea for the seat because he has a good friend who is a
paraplegic. "With him in mind I set about adapting a Segway and used him for
testing," he said. A Segway is a two-wheeled, self-balancing...
Sep 06, 2015

EVLN: $500 20lb-child Electric-wheelchair> So They Can Just Be A Kid
... physical state or economic status ...
Apr 12, 2015

EVLN: Usher's Custom Gold Segway w/ Rick Ross Rims
... There Are Segways, and then there's Usher Raymond IV's Segway. Usher's
scooter is a custom-built, gold-plated number with rims that look like they
were lifted from Rick Ross...
Jan 01, 2015

Police officer shocks Aussie beachgoers by riding a SEGWAY
Jan 7, 2015 - A Queensland officer was spotted turning heads on a beach at
... Senior sergeant Steven Mcreight told Daily Mail Australia that the ...
turned heads while riding a Segway during a beach patrol in Noosa ... 'It's
a new technology for new police and the guy enjoys using it and ...

EVLN: Insurance won't buy a power wheelchair? Buy a portable Segway instead
“Look at the Segway like a wheelchair, I don’t do it to be obnoxious, I do
it to be able to move.” 
May 07, 2013

EVLN: Wounded Warriors to Receive Segway PTs on Deck of USS Midway
... amputations, even quadruple amputations, and genital injuries. There has
been no letup in demand for the Segways, and we do not expect there will be
in the foreseeable future.’’ The Segway, a two-wheeled, self-balancing
battery electric vehicle, has found an avid following among the disabled...
Mar 30, 2012

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