> From: Jay Summet <j...@summet.com>
> If this is a one-time park long term storage type situation, perhaps you 
> could remove the batteries (or at least, their terminals) and wire all 
> 12 in parallel and then use a small float charger on the whole set at once?

Yea, what Jay said!

You can get away with that with lead-acid, unlike other common battery 

And with a float charger, you don't really need heavy cables. Some heavy-duty 
speaker wire should do the job.

But to do a proper job, a float charger designed to float one battery might not 
work. You want to put about 1% of a battery's ampere-hour rating into it, and 
an ordinary float charger only supplies about an amp. Just hook a ~13 amp 
charger to the parallel pack.

The most expensive part of the job will be the clips or clamps you use to 
connect to the batteries. Maybe round up seven "dollar store" jumper cables, 
which are mostly useless for jump-starting, but the clamps and relatively wimpy 
cable will work for your application.

An electric DeLorean is soooo "back to the future!" Do you ever show it at 
electric rallies, schools, etc.?


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