It's helpful to be aware of who is writing such "studies," who is quoting them in slanted hit pieces, and who might benefit from any false impression of objectivity.

At this point in history, the word "Institute" in the resume of an article writer or purveyor of studies should raise a caution flag. Too often it may as well be from the "Institute of BS," with a more accurate slogan "shamelessly creating fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) to benefit our benefactor's bottom line." FUD is a propaganda technique. Don't be mislead by FUD.

The referenced article isn't anywhere close to the sort of objective work of journalism it pretends to be. It reads like a one-sided advocacy component from an astroturf network established to push an agenda.

You can follow the money to see who may be attempting to benefit. For example:

Regarding EVs and renewable energy, a self-selecting straw poll on EVDL won't be scientific of course. That said, we run our EV on renewable energy.

Even if we just used our standard utility mix our EV would already be cleaner now and continue to get cleaner in the future as our utility gets cleaner. It's one of many clear benefits of EVs that "RealClearEnergy" may have missed. For some reason.


On 4/22/19 6:07 AM, Mark Laity-Snyder via EV wrote:
Electric Car Subsidies Aren't All They're Cracked Up to Be
April 19, 2019 ... The EV tax credit, which has been around since 2008,
offers consumers a subsidy of up to $7,500 off the price of a qualifying EV

A Straw Poll:
How many of you EVangelists charge your cars using renewable power?  The 
article above sited a study that electric cars will not help the environment I 
am assuming because they assume EVs are being charged from power from the power 
company (which in my area means coal fired power plants).  I do agree with the 
premise that the EV subsidy helps wealthier people more than poor folks, since 
if you can afford a brand new Tesla, you have some cash.  But that study sited 
is very suspect.  Most of the people I know around here that have EVs also have 
at least some solar.  While a few have more solar than they can ever hope to 
use themselves (Mark Hanson: take a bow).
So I am just curious. What say you?
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