The 1800 watt Jacobs didn't make more power than the 2500 or 2800 models.  They 
all had the same blade and governor assembly (which may have been either 
flyball or blade controlled) so they put out the same power in the same 
windspeed up to a point, but the 1800 was a shorter machine (length of 
armature)  and its maximum amp output was about 45 amps, while the 2500 maxed 
at 60+ amps and the 2800 at a bit more--but it took a slightly stronger wind 
for the bigger machines to reach maximum output.
The Bergeys and most other modern machines are actually 3-phase, rather than 
brush type DC generators like the Jacobs, and their power characteristics and 
method of control are quite different.Don't forgeet th basic rule of thumb when 
siting a wind turbine "30 feet higher than anything within 500 feet".  A 48 
foot tower isn't tall enough if it will be near buildings or trees.  I hope you 
are installing them on a grassy hilltop with good wind.
Jim Erdman, in Menomonie, WI
  1. Re: OT: Wind boost converters (

Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2019 14:00:46 -0500
To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List <>
Subject: Re: [EVDL] OT: Wind boost converters
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  Quoting Lee Hart via EV <>:

Having heard that the vintage Jacobs 1800 watt made more power than  
the 2800 watt plant, I am considering putting up one of each. There is  
a lot of 10 mph wind and I expect inertia might be a factor. I have  
two 48 ft towers next to each other. I could see how each one did  
charging the L16 battery. If I get it done I will try to share the  
results. I am excited about possibly powering our Tesla with a  
combination of PV and wind. Thanks to you all for your help...Ron

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