I was into this and found out this very complicated , there are 27ah cells https://www.techdirectclub.com/800-watt-hour-solar-ev-scooter-backup-battery-pack-8-cells-lithium-ion/ and theres other on there.

On 2019-05-12 23:04, Lawrence Rhodes via EV wrote:
Prices are around a dollar a cell. What is a good voltage 3.7 or 3.2.
What's the danger? What are the benefits?. Soldering tabs vs welding.
I have seen the larger cells for two dollars.  I have several projects
that need. Batteries. Any videos or books that might be a good
learning experience? A hundred cells at 64 volts would yield an 11 ah
pack. BMS and charger would be more expensive. Lawrence Rhodes
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