This is probably overkill for your particular needs, as it is based on
Tesla Model 3 cars, but here is the URL of a recent talk I gave on V2G:

On Sun, Sep 1, 2019 at 9:28 AM Damon Henry via EV <> wrote:

> I know there has been a lot of churn the last few  years over Vehicle to
> Grid technology.  I'm not sure how many people really want the utilities to
> take over their vehicle state of charge, so I'm not sure how viable the
> whole concept is.
> With my grid tied solar system my solar stops producing if the grid goes
> down.  One way to prevent this is to have a battery backup system in
> place.  That's usually an investment of at least several thousand dollars.
> I have two factory OEM PHEVs sitting in my driveway with significant
> battery packs.  I also have a Juicebox 40 for charging which has some
> charging intelligence already built into it for their Juicenet program, but
> not really V2G.  I feel like I am tantalizingly close to a great solution.
> So here is the question that I have.  How far am I from being able to
> utilize my car batteries through the OEM port and an EVSE charger, to feed
> an inverter and keep my house alive and my solar producing during a power
> outage?  Is this tech currently being developed, or is it still just a
> dream that my come true some day?
> BTW - I have lived in my house for 20+ years and rarely lose power, but
> "being prepared" is always on my agenda.  I suspect that if I really want a
> solution within the next couple of years I will need to buy a separate
> battery for my solar system, or a generator...
> thanks
> Damon
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Larry Gales
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