Exclusive: Ford’s EV product chief reveals updates on Mustang Mach-E
Feb. 7th 2020  Bradley Berman 

Ford Mustang Mach-E Transport  A truck this week hauls three Ford Mustang
Mach-E test cars through Missouri and Illinois
screengrab from a Ford video shows what it might have looked like

video  (dated)

Ford has been relatively quiet about the Mustang Mach-E since it’s unveiling
in LA in November. So Electrek met with Darren Palmer, the product chief for
Ford EVs, to learn where things stand. Palmer said that the Mach-E is “close
to sign-off” for vehicle engineering. And he confirmed that Ford will hit
the 300-mile range target for the long-range version.

Palmer also revealed that the company has allowed a few Mustang enthusiasts
to take it for a drive. And he talked about how Ford’s EV team is already
looking ahead at future electric models, which sounds like an all-electric
Explorer or Escape could be in the works.

Palmer called the Ford Mustang Mach-E the first “highly aspirational $35,000
electric SUV.”

He recounted the story of when the executive team in late 2018 tore up plans
for what Palmer described as a “Focus BEV, Version Two.” The group,
surrounding a full clay mockup of that electric Focus built on a new EV
platform, realized that the design lacked passion. At that point, it was
already conceived as a crossover.

    “We need to make cars that people really want – not a compliance car, or
a car you only buy for eco.”

    “It has to be aspirational. You gotta want it.” ...

Scrapped Ford Focus BEV version two

That’s when Ford settled on the idea to use its most iconic nameplates for
EVs: Mustang, F-150, and the Transit delivery vehicle for Europe. In each
case, Palmer wants the EV version to “amplify” the best attributes of that
model, for example, for performance or towing.

We challenged Palmer if Ford has enough of those iconic models to create a
showroom full of EVs. He replied:

    “We’re planning for the future when we will create a whole lineup of
products that will amplify the best thing about that segment. We will keep
moving forward. More, more, more.”

    “I don’t think it’s big secret we’re going to look at SUVs, where we
were strong, that it would be the next area we’re working on.”

That sounds promising for high-volume EV production. And it hints at the
possibility of an all-electric Explorer (or maybe an Escape) in the works.

A truck this week hauls three Ford Mustang Mach-E test cars through Missouri
and Illinois.

A truck this week hauls three Ford Mustang Mach-E test cars through Missouri
and Illinois.
Each EV needs a 300-mile version

Palmer explained that customer focus groups revealed that EV buyers want a
300-mile version. Hitting that number, he said, is an important strategy for
converting gas-car owners to electric.

    “They need a three [at the front of the range number]. It makes them
feel comfortable and they might want to use it as a primary car. It’s
becoming viable now.”

He confirmed that 80% of Mustang Mach-E pre-orders are for the long-range
model, promising up to 300 miles. Of course, the lower-cost Mach-E versions,
and those offering all-wheel-drive, will have between 210 and 270 miles. But
Ford believes that a 300-mile version has to be available for those who want

Even though Mach-E range numbers are not yet confirmed EPA figures, Palmer
is confident that Ford will hit the mark.

    “We’re developing to EPA standards, so we expect to get the range that
we set.”

    “We are seeing test vehicles achieving the range we set as a target. So
that’s good.”

Long-range is part of the equation, according to Palmer. But the Mach-E also
needs a level of performance expected from the Mustang brand. He emphasized
that only perhaps 1% or 2% of American consumers have so far driven a
high-performance electric vehicle.

Converting Mustang buyers

Palmer said the team has been spending time showing the Mach-E to Mustang
clubs and hard-core enthusiasts. He told us that “a few people” have driven

    “A lot of them are not experienced with electric. So when they drive it,
they go, ‘Wow, I didn’t expect that kind of performance and instant
instantaneous torque and feel.’”

    “So they come in with one impression and leave saying, ‘I want one of

What’s somewhat surprising is that those same legacy Mustang drivers want
their friends and neighbors to know that they are going electric. According
to Palmer, those Mach-E buyers want a grille that looks like an EV, and the
cockpit should feel very high-tech with big screens on the dash. See
detailed shots of the Mach-E interior and frunk.

    “Our customers said, I don’t want to blend in. I don’t want weird, but I
want them to know it so BEV straightaway. They want to show that they’re
leaping into the future and that they are lovers of the new.”

At the same time, Palmer emphasized that Ford wants to sell EVs in volume,
not as niche products. That means solving problems before a mainstream EV
buyer knows that they exist. That’s why every Mach-E (and likely every Ford
EV) will come with a portable, Level 2, 240-volt charger. It’s a strategy to
eliminate the question about what home-charger to buy.

Palmer also said that Ford’s test teams are currently taking long
all-electric road trips to discover any issues about using highway charging.
He said that any problems are documented and fed back to the company’s EV
charging-network partners.
Electrek’s Take

Ford might be quiet these days as it prepares for the market introduction of
the Mach-E later this year. But it’s clear from our chat with Palmer that
the company is working hard to deliver on the Mach-E’s promise – and it’s
looking ahead to Ford’s future EVs.

It’s still early days. But Ford’s core strategy to use the company’s most
iconic nameplates for EVs is a sign of commitment. Moreover, that strategy
is about converting a new much-larger wave of motorists to buy an EV. Palmer
says that everything is on track. We’ll keep following the company’s

+ (note it sez: how Europe is EV far-ahead of the U.S. ... )
Ford will launch Mustang Mach-E simultaneously in U.S. and Europe
Feb 13th 2020  It’s a reflection of how far ahead Europe is of the U.S. in
terms of adopting electric and electrified vehicles, due in part ...

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