I have installed 2 Tesla charge controllers and have had 2 of them fail at my 
house.  I bought 2 when I first got my Tesla because I have 2 houses and I 
figured it would be worth it to have one at each house.  I never got around to 
installing the 2nd one so It has served as a spare so I don't have to wait for 
Tesla to replace the burned out one.  But I just want to make sure there is 
nothing on my end causing these to go out.  The wiring is very simple so I am 
not sure how it could be on my end.  The charge controllers have both lasted 
about 7 to 9 months.  They work fine up until the day they stop working.  They 
still lit up but a red light comes on instead of the green when I plug in the 
power supply. There was also a crackling noise inside the last one.   The Tesla 
charges fine on 120VAC.  I plan to replace the latest dud again soon but I just 
want to avoid future problems.  
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
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