We ordered a standard range battery and black exterior paint. The long
range battery pack was $9,000 extra and any other paint color was an
additional $1,000. What we received was a standard range plus that had an
additional 20 miles of range. In addition we had autopilot and a premium
audio system. After a few months Tesla sent a message to me stating that if
I wanted to keep standard range plus, autopilot and premium radio then we
should pay an additional $4,500. We did not pay the extra money and all of
the extra stuff disappeared. Now I realize that the battery pack in our M3
is a bit bigger than a real standard range even though we software limited
from using that extra range. If I charge the battery pack to 100% I am
really only charging the pack to 91.6%. I charge the battery pack to 85% so
I think/hope that the battery pack will last longer than I do. At 67 years
old I really don't need a million mile battery. I am however happy that
they are working on a battery that will last many years before needing to
be replaced. My grandkids really like the Tesla. As our grandson was
driving the M3 you could certainly see the Tesla Smile.
Standard range (220 miles) is fine for us. We charge at home 99% of the
time. New Orleans does not have a supercharger (SC) so when we go there we
stop at the SC in Baton Rouge to charge close to 100%. On the way home we
again charge at the SC in Baton Rouge. For a trip to Houston, Texas we stop
the SC in Lake Charles, Louisiana (next to a Sonic fast food) and then we
stop at a Hotel in Channelview, Texas. I assume that the Channelview SC was
a destination charger because there is "NOTHING" except for the hotel
there, and getting into the hotel parking lot from I-10 is a pain. But the
SC worked just fine for us, and we ate in the Hotel restaurant while the
battery pack charged. Anyway that gets us to downtown Houston and easily
back to the Hotel SC where we charge again. Another stop in Lake Charles to
use the SC and then on to home. None of the stops at the Tesla SCs took any
more than 20 minutes.
I have used the Tesla Navigation program to plot trips to visit family and
friends in Wimberly, Texas, Springfield, Missouri, Alden, Michigan and
Seattle, Washington. Service chargers were available on all trips with the
possible exception of the trip to Springfield, Missouri. On that trip there
is a destination SC near Branson, Missouri that we may be able to use. If
not then I use Plug Share on my phone to find a place to charge. Our house
is listed on Plug Share with 240 volt charging. No one has ever contacted
us needing a charge.
The 220 range of our car has been just fine for us. Yes, a range of 310 (or
400) miles would be nice, but I don't see it as necessary. I think that
Tesla needs to spend much less time thinking about how fast one of their
cars can accelerate to 60 miles per hour, and consider how many additional
people can buy their cars if they release something that cost closer to
$25,000. When I was a dumb 18 year old high school graduate I really wanted
a Porsche 911. I did own a 1972 Datsun 240Z that was a VERY nice car. It
was not as fast as a Porsche, but it handled great. Now that I am 67 years
old I no longer care about going that fast. Our Model 3 is fast enough, and
in over one year of ownership I have never felt the need to floor the
Bob Keeland, PhD
Retired Research Ecologist

On Tue, Jul 21, 2020, 3:39 PM EVDL Administrator via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>

> On 21 Jul 2020 at 15:11, Bobby Keeland via EV wrote:
> > We bought our Tesla Model 3 for $35,000. It was ordered on March 30,
> 2016 and
> > received on May, 2019.
> Interesting!  That's a much more reasonable price, and a decent value for
> anyone who's OK with a mid-size sedan.
> What's your range, if you don't mine me asking?
> Looking again, I see that Edmunds have the "mid range" model as the $44k
> one.  So presumably there's a "short range" model too that they don't list.
> But it also says that the 44k one is discontinued!  So according to that
> page only the "long range AWD" and "performance AWD" models at $47,990 and
> $56,990 respectively are still available.  To me that seems like a a
> mightly
> long haul from an affordable car.
> https://www.edmunds.com/tesla/model-3/2019/features-specs/
> Something strange is going on here ...
> I clicked on "See Model 3 inventory" and saw only used ones.  The cheapest
> is a 2019 "standard range plus" (whatever that means) with 24k+ miles.
> They're asking $34,980!  Ehhh, no thanks.
> David Roden, EVDL moderator & general lackey
> To reach me, don't reply to this message; I won't get it.  Use my
> offlist address here : http://evdl.org/help/index.html#supt
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
>     The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in
>     common: they don't alter their views to fit the facts. They
>     alter the facts to fit their views.  This can be uncomfortable
>     if you happen to be one of the facts that need altering.
>                      -- Doctor Who, "The Face of Evil"
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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