From: Mark Abramowitz via EV <>
> Wouldn’t you expect that these large oil companies would have the ability
> to weather industry downturns, improve the technology, and remain around
> to service warranties, like Siemens, as opposed to a smaller company?

One might naively expect it; but history has shown that big companies are all 
too eager to dodge responsibility for the consequences of their actions. They 
often have to be taken to court, and fight for years to avoid paying.

I have a set of Arco PV panels... remember them? They bought a PV manufacturer, 
and then killed it. No warranty on them, either!

There are exceptions. When Toyota came out with the Prius hybrid, they did 
everything possible to support it. Even though we had tire, brake, power 
steering, and battery problems with out 2001 Prius, Toyota fixed them all for 
free, without the slightest complaint.

But with their RAV-4 EV, they did everything they could to get them of the 
road, and avoid supporting them as soon as possible. They behave as if the car 
never existed.


Excellence does not require perfection. -- Henry James
Lee A. Hart
Please discuss EV drag racing at NEDRA (

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