
Regarding the different approaches, I think it's worth mentioning and possibly getting some input/material from Chris Johnson at ifPeople on the concept of 'Social Sourcing'. He's made some presentations at Plone conferences on the topic and this is how the site/project was run and it worked very well. Contextual, Groundwire, Tootsie, Trees For Life, and ifPeople put up some of the initial funding, with help through for-paid client projects that needed ecommerce for Plone, and then other organizations kept adding more and more. Kapil with the bulk of initial development, then Six Feet Up, Maurits van Rees, and Red Domino and many others following on with much more code (to handle shipping, more payment processors, taxes, etc.)

I think it may also help (and open some eyes of those who aren't familiar with OSS projects) to point to stats/metrics that quantify efforts on projects such as PGP, but especially for Plone as a whole, on This currently indicates over $3M and 43 developer years toward Plone development. Additionally helpful is the project summary by Ohloh indicating the project 'velocity' - that development efforts are increasing year-over-year, it has a large developer base, establish code base, etc.

By comparison, Ohloh warns in its summary of Drupal that it has a small development team, though its 4.4/5.0 rating is higher than Plone's 4.2 rating. Alfresco gets a 3.7 rating, by the way.


Scott Paley wrote:
This is very helpful - thanks!
One can cite that the Royal Bank of Scotland, FBI, CIA and NASA are
using Plone, and Plone is on the list of approved and secure platforms
for use at NASA.
I know one of the questions that will come up is examples of sites where the platform is used in the enterprise, govenment, or major educational settings. Basically, what are the "major wins" for Plone in those 3 areas in 2009?

Other topics that will likely come up on the panel:

        * Shoot down common misconceptions about open source in general
        * Discussion of the "single company model" (Alfresco) vs. the
          "democratic foundation model" (Plone) vs. hybrid (Drupal)
          and the differences between community and company driven
        * How does an enterprise properly evaluate open source
          platforms? How is that evaluation different than with
          proprietary systems?
        * General compliance issues
        * Plone's approach to workflow vs. the other platforms
        * Why and when should companies contribute back to the
          project? What's the value? Examples.
        * Standards such as CMIS and RDF, why they're important, and
          when are they not really important.

    On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Nate Aune <
    <>> wrote:

        I've been putting together a "10 Things that make Plone a good
        for the enterprise" factsheet, and have come up with the following
        talking points.  Many of these echo the excellent ones that Ken
        already posted in his email.

        1) Security
        Since Plone is built on top of Zope and Zope uses a security model
        similar to Unix, the security and permissioning can be very
        Since Zope uses the ZODB, you don't have to worry about SQL

        One can cite that the Royal Bank of Scotland, FBI, CIA and
        NASA are
        using Plone, and Plone is on the list of approved and secure
        for use at NASA.

        There are the CVE graphs from the IBM report comparing Plone
        track record to other CMSes and frameworks.

        The "Hardening Plone" howto on is an excellent document
        about how to lock down Plone even more for highly secure

        And the accompanying talk from the recent Plone conference
        which was a
        use case of a high-security Plone solution, which was audited and
        approved for handling sensitive data from a multi-billion

        Zope is very secure

        2) Scalability
        At the recent Plone conference, we heard case studies about
        sites that
        have millions of page views per day and hundreds/thousands of
        logging into the site. I'd like to collect these case studies
        on <>), so when potential
        customers ask for real data, we can
        produce reports that show Plone can scale.

        Since it's built on top of Zope, Plone has built-in load
        using ZEO (Zope Enterprise Objects)

        With Plone 4, we get which stores large files
        on the
        file system. Even Sharepoint can't do this OOTB without an
        add-on product.

        Plone has built-in caching and with CacheFu, we can send purge
        requests to an upstream caching proxy such as Squid or Varnish.

        Load tests can be written easily with Funkload to test before and
        after performance optimizations using collective.funkbot.

        With RelStorage, you can use Plone with any RDBMS including MySQL,
        PostgreSQL and Oracle and take advantage of these database
        and redundancy capabilities. See Shane Hathaway's recent blog post
        about performance improvements when using RelStorage.

        3) Interoperability
        Since it's written in Python, Plone can talk to just about any
        system, from relational databases to authentication services
        to web
        services, and can be integrated with 3rd party search engines.

        The integration is the best of any open source tool
        available today. David Glick from GroundWire gave a good
        overview at
        the PloneConf.

        Because Plone ships with PlonePAS - pluggable authentication
        it can authenticate users against Active Directory, LDAP,
        OpenID, SQL
        or even Gmail.

        Plone's built-in search tool can be easily replaced with the open
        source Solr search tool which provides faceted search and
        level search capabilities. Andi Zeidler gave a lightning talk
        at the
        PloneConf about how easy it is to integrate.

        Massimo from RedTurtle gave a talk at the European Plone Symposium
        about integrating Google Apps / Google Docs with Plone

        Sally Kleinfeldt from Jazkarta organized a panel discussion about
        Plone and web services at the PloneConf and has also blogged
        about it.

        4) Data portability
        Moving your Plone database to another provider is usually just a
        matter of copying the Data.fs file and tar up the eggs/products
        directory. Makes it very easy to switch to a different hosting
        provider / vendor if you're not satisfied with your current one.

        Besides using the web services APIs mentioned above to get
        data in and
        out of Plone, one can also leverage ContentMirror, which will
        serialize and replicate all the content in Plone into a relational
        database asynchronously. See Kapil's talk about it at last year's
        Plone Symposium.

        enpraxis.static site is an add-on for Plone that lets you easily
        create a static HTML snapshot of your entire Plone site.

        Also, using new tools such as Transmogrifier and Funnelweb (which
        builds on top of Transmogrifier) it's even easier to get data
        in and
        out of Plone.
        See Lennart's talk from the PloneConf about Transmogriier.

        And the project page for Funnelweb, which gives you a TTW
        for importing static sites into Plone.

        5) Accessibility
        Plone is the most accessible open source CMS available on the
        Conforms to Section 508 which is a requirement for all government
        agencies and W3C accessibility guidelines. The functionality
        gracefully degrades on older browsers, or when using a

        An all-too-often forgotten aspect when people construct web
        sites is
        how accessible these sites are to the blind and
        Plone was probably the first CMS out there that focused on
        accessibility. With the ruling that web sites can be sued for not
        providing access to the blind, things have changed for
        government and
        corporations who provide information to the public through their

        Aaron VanDerlip from Jazkarta gave a talk about Plone and
        accessibility at the PloneConf 2006

        6) Internationalization and multilingual content
        Plone already supports over 50 languages out-of-the-box and with
        Python 2.6 excellent handling of Unicode, we can support multibyte
        languages as well such as Chinese, and even right-to-left (RTL)
        languages such as Arabic and Hebrew.

        Using the LinguaPlone add-on you can translate the content of your
        Plone site into any language, and even export the content in
        XLIFF format for hand-off to a professional translation
        agency. after
        they've done the translations, they send back XLIFF files
        which can
        then be imported into Plone. See Sasha's presentation on this
        from the

        There was a lightning talk at the Plone conference about an
        translation tool that made it possible to translate the message
        strings in the Plone interface just by clicking on them, and
        then this
        could be exported to a .po file.

        7) Theming and branding
        Plone already has excellent separation of presentation and
        and almost any element in the Plone interface can be styled
        using only
        CSS. With Deliverance, we have an even easier theming story,
        and the
        possibility to theme multiple applications using the same static
        HTML/CSS design. Now any design can be made to work with Plone
        minimal effort - simply add some rules to the Deliverance
        rules file
        to wire up content generated by Plone into placeholders in the

        See my presentation from the Plone symposium (conference
        slides to be
        posted shortly)

        8) Hosting
        Plone can be hosted on any platform including Linux, BSD,
        Windows or
        Mac OSX. Basically any platform that can run Python will work.
        Plone can be hosted on a VPS, a dedicated server or virtual
        on Amazon EC2 or using Ubuntu's Enterprise Cloud.

        Using GenericSetup, it's very easy to capture site configuration
        settings, and programatically replicate the site on a different

        Using buildout it's very easy to make repeatable deployments
        so that
        you can easily replicate a development environment, push it to
        and finally production.
        See Tarek's excellent presentation on this subject:

        A new development by Dylan Jay is collective.hostout which is
        a series
        of buildout recipes for defining your hosting settings
        directly in the
        buildout configuration file.

        We've also started working on an Amazon AMI, VMWare and VirtualBox
        images of Plone to make it even easier to evaluate and get Plone
        hosted on a server quickly and using best practices.

        9) Open source
        Similar to Linux, Apache, Firefox and many other popular software
        tools, Plone is open source. Open source is a methodology to
        programming that puts great emphasis on community development.
        than one firm or organization building a particular product,
        an open
        source project can be built by a variety of individuals or
        We like open source because it helps us stop trying to
        reinvent the
        wheel and instead choose the best of breed systems for our
        clients and
        deliver them at an affordable price.

        Plone has won 3 years in a row the Best Other CMS Award from
        Packt Publishing

        Martin Aspeli wrote about Plone: a model of a mature open source
        product for his MSc dissertation for Analysis, Design and
        of Information Systems course at the London School of Economics.

        10) Foundation backed international community
        With over 300 vendors in 50 countries, and Plone being used by
        governments and universities all over the world, Plone is truly an
        international movement. With a non-profit foundation owning the
        trademark and copyrights, Plone is protected and it's
        governance is in
        good hands.

        The Plone community has an annual conference in a different
        city every
        year with regional symposia in Europe, N. America and S.
        America also
        taking place every year. The most recent conference attracted 400
        attendees from 30 countries.

        In additional to the usual issue tracking systems, Plone also
        has a
        user feedback service to collect suggestions form the users of the
        software. these suggestions are reviewed by members of the
        core Plone
        development team and considered for future versions of Plone.

        There is also a formal process to get a new feature considered for
        inclusion in the Plone core, a paid release manager and a clear
        roadmap for what future versions of Plone will bring.

        This is still very much in a draft state but I would love any
        on the points, and I plan to write some blog posts about each
        point to
        go into further details.



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