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On  Thu, 28 Mar 2002 12:51:19 PM, "Robert Aldridge"

> Seng Li Peng at Asia Internet wimped out.  He pulled the article
> because it
> wasn't neutral - is expressed opinion.

Half-wimped, maybe...

The *printable* version is still available at:,,161_998821,00.html

Bob Laughton
Mac OS X vs. Windows XP

With the launch of two major operating systems (OS) in 2001, one
being the Windows XP from Microsoft and the other being the Mac OS X
Unix from Apple, those in the publishing industry would be asking
themselves if they should migrate from their existing platform to the
newer ones. If so, which one?

Since the launch of the two OS, there have been many articles on the
Web that make detailed comparisons of their features.

The Mac OS X is targeted at users at home, school and in creative
industries as well as companies with Unix on their mainframes. With
Mac OS X, companies with desktop Macs can be hooked into a network.
Windows XP, on the other hand, boasts to be better than Windows 95
and 98, and come with a fancy new interface, ingenious shortcuts and
bundled software for playing movies and streaming audio and video
which also landed the company in an anti-law suit with software
companies who accused Microsoft for unfair bundling behavior and most
recently with Sun who accused Microsoft for shipping its Windows XP
without support for its Java software programming language.

Some have also highlighted that Windows XP does not support Adobe's
PDF formats, the industry standard for document transfer, does not
support MP3 encoding nor MPEG 2 required to play DVD movies and it
also does not have Apache while Mac OS X does.

According to reviewers in the US, Windows XP's Movie Maker is not in
the same league as Mac OS X's iMovie 2. Mac OS has also proven to be
more secure, although not totally protected from viruses, when
compared to other operating systems. Within three weeks of the launch
of Windows XP, at least three high-risk security flaws were

Disagreeing that Mac OS X is superior to Windows XP, some have
explained that while Windows XP natively supports the vast majority
of existing applications and drivers previously released for the
Windows 2000 platform, and delivers full memory protection and
feature support for virtually all legacy apps, Mac OS X does not.

In addition, some have said that despite the fact that a Mac OS X
package may contain thousands of components, Apple does not provide
any standardized method for uninstalling applications. Windows XP, by
contrast, have a more user-friendly way of managing application

There is no end to the comparison. Although feature-to-feature
comparisons are important, Andreas Pfeiffer, an expert in the
computer-based publishing and new media for more than 15 years, urged
users to look at the motivation behind Microsoft and Apple for coming
up with their versions of OS instead.

Although Pfeiffer sees the value in Windows 95/98 and Windows NT, he
sees Windows XP as nothing more than a product that contributes to
the confusion in the OS marketplace.

He explained: "Windows XP is basically a repackage of Windows 2000.
When they released Windows 2000, it was touted to be the professional
platform in the industry. A year later, they claimed that Windows XP
is the one instead. If you come from an environment where you are
using Windows 95 or Windows ME, it makes sense to migrate to Windows
XP because you will get more stability. But if you are already on
Windows NT or Windows 2000, it does not make that much sense because
Windows 2000 is reported to be more stable than Windows XP."

"Microsoft makes its money from selling OS and applications. However,
the applications and OS markets are mature and there is little room
left for selling upgrades. So they began to push its .Net concept to
coax the market into the subscription model where you pay only for
the applications and software services you use. In order to achieve
this, they needed the market to move to Windows XP," he added.

This is not to say that Microsoft's products are to be avoided. But
that decision-makers in the content-creation industry have to
anticipate how Microsoft's and Apple's strategies in the future will
affect the platform they choose now.

Pfeiffer Consulting, founded by Pfeiffer in 1998, is a Paris-based
research and consulting organization that provides strategic analysis
of user trends in the media and technology space. Findings of its
reports including Macintosh vs. PC in Professional Publishing are
based on extensive research and interviews with professionals as well
as making use of testing facilities and unique benchmarking

March 27, 2002

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