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I have a situation and I need your advice.

I have a PowerBook G3 Pismo, in warrantee until July.

It suffered from the well known 'pink screen' syndrome quite severely, and
Apple replaced the LCD about 2 weeks ago. Then the fun started.

I got the PB back, and the screen had a very obvious dirty smear on the
backlight in the shape of a horse shoe. Apple replaced the screen again.

I got the PB back again, and this time there were 2 specs of dirt in-between
the LCD and backlight. I was just going to live with it, until I saw weird
color variations in my images. On certain colors the LCD could not reproduce
the color and instead showed vertical yellow streaks. You could see it when
looking at the color bands in the monitor control panel. I rang Apple and
had to fight with them to get them to replace the screen again. Which they

I got the PB back for the 3rd time, and it has another problem, different
from the rest. It will not show true black. I created a 100% black image in
Photoshop, made it full screen - something you can do in Photoshop, and y7ou
can clearly see that 2 inches around the screen it is correct total black.
In the center of the screen though, it is a multicolored star-like
occurrence bursting with all 3 colors, red, green and blue. The green is
more visible then the blue then the red. If I choose a 95% black image, then
it is REALLY visible, and looking at a photograph of the Towers of Light I
took last night, the sky looks totally speckled - which it isn't.

Now, if I ring Apple again, I am sure they will simply tell me that it was
checked before being sent to me by a specialist and there is nothing wrong
with it, which leaves me in a quandary, because I can't determine the
quality of the digital images I am shooting while in the field anymore.

Has anyone experienced this problem before or have any advice on how to deal
with this?

And I haven't told Apple I run the EvangeList, and I doubt they would care
either, so don't think I get any favors :) They won't even send us an iMac
or an iPod to review!!

What should I do?


Shane Anderson
Mac EvangeList List Dad
ICQ: 6393614

The only thing Apple has a monopoly on - is compliments.

*9/11/2001*  We will never forget -

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