---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jonas Brømsø Nielsen <jona...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 10:24 AM
Subject: [Conferences] Call for Speakers: Open Source Days 2011,
To: Discussion about about YAPC YAPC conferences <conferen...@yapceurope.org>


Again this year the Open Source community in Denmark are planning a super event.

This year the event will be held at the venue of YAPC::Europe 2008 and
as for last year we are hoping to attract some Perl people and Perl
talks. Last year we did a Perl 6 Hackathon in conjunction with the OSD
conference, but this year we aim a little wider.

So please read the Call for Speakers below and forward it to friends,
colleagues and fellow Perl mongers.

jonasbn, Copenhagen Perl Mongers

Call for Speakers

Open Source Days 2011 - Community Edition - will be held on Saturday March 5th
2011, at Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Frederiksberg and we are looking for
gifted, entertaining and technically enlightened speakers for the conference.

Normal Talks - 45 minutes

Open Source Software has been around the block for quite a while. Every day we
all work with rock-solid software that just works. This year we are interested
in the status of those "goldies" we all take for granted - as well as the new
upcoming savvy projects.

You might be a developer, a community leader, a businessman or a user group
participant seeing the bigger picture or just know your software inside-out -
share your knowledge with us, by giving a talk. Speakers can attend the
conference for free and to some extent we might be able to reimburse your
travel and hotel.

Lightning Talks - 15 minutes

Speak your mind - tell us about your idea for a new open source project, how
you made your first android app or something completely different - the only
limit is the time frame - 15 minutes!

If you haven't tried giving a talk before - this is a good place to start.
Lightning speakers attend the conference for free, but we do not reimburse your
travel expenses.

Tutorials, Workshops and Demos

If you are just dying to give us a demo of how you hacked your newest gadget,
you want to host an Arduino workshop or you know postfix forwards and backwards
and want to give a tutorial - let us know. Workshops, demos and tutorials have
a time frame set in accordance with the speaker.

Tutorial and workshop speakers will be reimbursed as normal speakers.

Community Booths - Join the Fun

Our wish is that the community groups will start planning for their activities
and events for their booths immediately. Open Source Days 2011 - The Community
Edition will deliver the infrastructure and by doing so give the user groups
the best possibly platform for strong community content at the conference.

This year we would like the user groups to submit a description of their
planned activities at their booth as well as a short description on themselves.
Having a descriptive program for activities will greatly help us pick the most
interesting user groups for the conference audience.

Please send your request for a community booth to
ug2011 at opensourcedays.org

together with a description of your planned events no later than February 1st


We are looking for sponsorships.  A sponsorship can be used for a special
purpose like:

 * Provide a conference t-shirt
 * Provide lunch for the participants
 * Provide conference keyhangers
 * Provide a room for talks or User Groups
 * Provide a conference bag
 * Provide a conference beer-event

Or maybe just a way to show you and your company's appreciation for open source

Sponsorships can be anywhere in the range DKK 1,000 to DKK 25,000.  Please
write to
sponsor2011 at opensourcedays.org
 if you want more information on the
sponsorship opportunities at the conference.

If you are interested in an exhibition booth, you can also contact us, on the
above mail-address.

Get in Touch

Please send us a title, a couple of lines about your talk and a short bio to

program2011 at opensourcedays.org
 no later than February 1st 2011.

You are also most welcome to write to us if you have any questions regarding
the conference. You can also catch us in the IRC channel #opensourcedays @

If you represent a company, we expect you to state so in your mail.

Feel free to follow us on Twitter:
 to get the latest news about
the conference.
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