Fritz Griffith wrote:

>It is easier to extrapolate that 
>the real observer moment lies somewhere in the future.

Is it the same "real observer moment" for each of us?
Where does that "real observer moment" come from ?
And what is it ?

Where does your "future" come from. Most of us doesn't take time
for granted.

Have you read that insightfull book by Oliver Sacks ``the man
who mistook his wife for a hat".
He describes in it people who have lost their hypocampus. That is the
part of the brain which transform short term memory with
lon term memory. The apparent effect is that they are trapped in
one single observer moment (which is rather long, +/- 5 to 10 minutes).
That guy at the age of 50 still believe that he was 20 age old. 
You could explain him what happened, but then after 10 minutes you
must explain him it again, and again ...
How will you figure his experience with your "theory"?

>The everything idea, or the MWI, is used to explain the universal laws, just 
>as they are used in the 'real world'.  The only difference is, rather than 
>encapsulating the universe as the wave function as in MW, you encapsulate 
>conciousness as the wave function, so that rather than having every possible 
>parallel universe, you have every possible parallel observer moment.  Each 
>branch in the wave function is really a branch in memory.  Because you only 
>exist as a single observer moment, your path is predetermined, but still 
>follows probability laws.

OK. This is somewhat similar, at first sight, with the many-history
interpretation of QM.

Your theory is interesting but very very vague, IMO. 

You could help us in comparing your approach with some most ``traditional"
approaches among those discussed in this list (SSA, AP, Everett,
Leslie-Bostrom, Tegmark, Schmidhuber-comp, Mallah-comp, Standish's
justification of OCCAM,
Higgo "measure-less" Buddhism, and others...).

My feeling is that with your "single observer moment" you will
miss (put under the rug?) the measure problems, like James Higgo ...


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