
> The observer's psyche then becomes the constraint of what he can
> observe. No computer needed. Just an observer and the Plenitude. The
> rest is first person emergent.

Yes, this is true.  In fact I agree with you.

As a matter of practicality, it doesn't matter at all "what is at the
bottom".  Everything is happening, and anything you want to happen WILL

And from your point of view in the game, this may be enough George.  Your
solution is complete.  Now you must work towards finding the key to
enlightenment, or whatever, and you've won.

But for me - in MY game - I am left holding these pieces of a puzzle...

1. the history of modern science is based on the continuum

2. many important advancements have been achieved using such science

3. but many significant problems loom on the horizon

4. along comes the computer, and the discovery of complexity from simplicity

5. everyone seems to have overlooked the simple discrete, deterministic
machines as theories of everything

6. my friend on the net notices that some simple automata are capable of

7. we lie on the verge of unimaginable achievements including: free energy,
the elimination of disease and suffering, the solving of many ancient
mysteries, establishment of relationships with extraterrestrial
intelligences, the engineering of human immortality, etc.

I could go on and on.  But for me - in my game - the situation is flawless.
The timing is perfect for a cultural and scientific revolution to make it
all happen... within my lifetime.  I would say that it's too good to be
true, but I know better.  Virtual Reality can easily make all of this
happen.  It's exactly as I would have designed it!  Therefore, I conclude:
It's all just a game.  A game we can't lose!


At this time - under these circumstances - within this simulation - it
appears that the idea of the minimal cellular automaton is a novel and
powerful idea.  So I go on playing the game.  Putting the pieces together as
best as I can.  If I ever find a better idea, I'll fight for that!

George, I like your idea.  Is there any way to study/make use of the Zen
non-computer?  Where's the mouse & keyboard?  How can we explore the


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