Hi Norman:

I suppose a person would hope that a theory they propose is in some way global but I was talking about the idea that "belief" is a factor in mathematical as well as other discourse.

Bruno said in an earlier post in this thread:

"A proposition P is logically possible, relatively to
1) a consistent set of beliefs A
2) the choice of a deduction system D (and then consistent
    means "does not derive 0=1)."

Most mathematical proofs are too complex to be judged by other than the belief of the majority of mathematicians.


At 03:44 PM 12/11/2004, you wrote:
    With reference to your "inconsistent" TOE model (which I do not claim to
understand), you state "My approach solves these issues for ME . . ."   You
also state "All universes over and over is in my belief system more
satisfying and may be able to put some handle on ideas such as "self aware"
and "free will" etc. at least for ME.  As to the individual beliefs,
understandings, or needs of others I can not speak."  (My capitalizations.)
    Are you implying that your model is NOT "universal"?  Are you saying
that "reality" is subjective?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hal Ruhl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2004 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: An All/Nothing multiverse model

Hi Jesse

You wrote:

>>>Well, what I get from your answer is that you're justifying the idea
>>>that the All is inconsistent in terms of your own concept of "evolving
>>>Somethings", not in terms of inconsistent axiomatic systems.

Just the reverse.  The evolving Somethings inevitably encompass the
inconsistencies within the All [all those inconsistent systems [self or
pairwise] each with their full spectrum of unselected "meaning".  That is
why the Somethings evolve randomly and inconsistently.

>>>But in this case, someone who doesn't believe (or understand) your own
>>>theory in the first place need not agree that there's any reason to
>>>think a theory of everything would involve "everything" being

I do not believe in TOE's that assume structures such as just an Everything
thus yielding a theory with that assumption as irreducible
information.  After all where did that come from?

I do not believe in TOE's that assume a dynamic such as computers
simulating universes without a justification for a dynamic.

I do not believe in TOE's that start with the natural numbers - where did
that info come from?

If you select a particular meaning out of its spectrum of possible meanings
and assign it to a system is that not even more information in any such TOE?

My approach solves these issues for me and has only few small prices to pay:

Computer simulations or other dynamics will suffer random input.  But so
what?  For example a CA that tends to an attractor can be stabilized in a
reasonably self similar behavior off the attractor with the right amount of
random input.  Such an input to a universe is a decent explanation for an
accelerating expansion of that universe given a max info storage and a
fixed or increasing susceptibility to such input per unit volume.

One could not do a statistical extract of information [there is none] say
re why we find ourselves in this particular kind of universe.  But again so
what?  Why would that be a believable expectation of a TOE in the first
place?  All universes over and over is in my belief system more satisfying
and may be able to put some handle on ideas such as "self aware" and "free
will" etc. at least for me.

As to the individual beliefs, understandings, or needs of others I can not


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