I bought his book "Schrodinger's Rabbits" yesterday, and have been skipping around through it. Some of you may recall that I have questioned if there is any theoretical way we could estimate the size of the multiverse if it is not a continuum. I had suggested the size may be related to the number of possible alternative outcomes down to the Planck scale (which seemed logical enough to me anyway).

Bruce introduces what I considered a very interesting concept, which may be old news given the book came out last year, but I do not recall seeing it discussed. He suggests the holographic principle may provide the answer. If the amount of information a region of space can contain is proportional to surface area, might the "volume" contain subinformation of multiverse processes? To quote Bruce: "Perhaps a cube 10^100 Planck units on a side can indeed store about 10^300 bits of subinformation or multiverse information, but this capacity has to be divided between 10^100 world processes, giving only 10^200 bits of stable "real" information capacity to each."

Bruce admits this is a speculative idea, but provides explanations as to how it is an interpretation that explains several aspects of our universe. I will go into more detail about this if anyone cares to hear.

I must admit I'm biased here toward liking the idea because this directly addresses several key questions I have had about the structure of the multiverse, including the relevance of the holographic principle to the MWI. Anyone care to weigh in on the prospects for Bruce's idea?

Danny Mayes

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