Hi Bruno,

> > Can you give a particular example of a sentence p such that
> > B(Bp->p) is true?
> Take any proposition you can prove, for example the tautology
> (p -> p),  or  t.
> So once you have prove t, all the proposition of the shape
>      <anyproposition> -> t
> is easily deducible, by applying modus ponens and the a fortiori axiom.
> In particular Bt -> t is justified.
> And thus B(Bt -> t) is true.   (or, by necessitation B(Bt -> t)
> follows).
> So an example of such a p making B(Bp -> p) true, is p = t.

But then any proposition of the form
would be true as well. Why is that not an axiom?

Further, by your explanation above it seems that the
axiom should be more like Bp->B(q->p). Since as I
understood it, if you can justify p, then you can justify
any sentence of the form q->p.

On the other direction, suppose it is justifiable that
~p. That is, B(~p) and I suppose ~Bp with the excluded
middle. So it is true that Bp->q for any q, and in particular
for q=p. So B(Bp->p). But Bp is false by assumption so
B(Bp->p)->Bp is false. What's wrong?


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