Hi Norman,
    It will be a wonderful thing to get a confirmation by next year but I am afraid that the usual behavior of theorist will occur: the theory will be re-tinkered so that the particle masses are too massive to be created by humans. It has been happening already in astrophysics...
    Btw, have you any familiarity with modeling the dynamics of scalar fields in relativistic situations? I need some help. ;-)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 1:36 AM
Subject: Re: Multiverse concepts in string theory

As you say, the version of string theory with an infinity of universes is an elegant concept.  However, when you say ". . . its most fundamental assumption, the existence of a supersymmerty relation between bosons and fermions, has never even come close to matching experimental observation," one could infer that there is little likelihood that SUSY will ever be shown to be a good theory.
This may change soon.  Wikipedia says "Experimentalists have not yet found any superpartners for known particles, either because they are too massive to be created in our current particle accelerators, or because they may not exist at all.   By the year 2007, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN should be ready for use, producing collisions at sufficiently high energies to detect the superpartners many theorists hope to see."
So maybe, in a couple of years, there WILL be experimental observation supporting SUSY.
I agree that the posts by Hal Finney and Wei Dai are well said and inspirational.  Thanks,

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