Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
> Finally, a variation on the type of thought experiments we have been 
> discussing (I'd be surprised if someone hasn't already brought this up 
> sometime, but I don't recall seeing it). We agree that if someone spends a 
> minute in Brussels, then is destructively teleported to Washington, where he 
> spends another minute, he will experience two minutes of continuous 
> consciousness, the first minute in Brussels and the second minute in 
> Washington, even if there is a delay between the disintegration and 
> rematerialisation. But what if, somehow, the minute's experience in Brussels 
> were run simultaneously with the minute's experience in Washington, just as 
> they would have happened consecutively, and then the person in Brussels 
> instantly disintegrates. We could even arrange it so that the minute in 
> Washington objectively precedes the minute in Brussels, as Greg Egan does 
> with uploaded beings in "Permutation City". Would the subject experience the 
> same linear progression of time in either c
 ase? Would there be a moral problem with "killing" the subject in Brussels 
which was not an issue with the "normal" teleportation?
> Stathis Papaioannou

Without really getting into your thought experiment, I want to ask a
question.  What does it mean to "experience a minute of continuous
consciousness"?  OK, we have a biological clock that gives us a rough
sense of relative passing of time.  But I don't think you maintain that
our personal identity is tied to that, do you?  In order to really be
sure we are going through time, I think we have to get discrete input
from the external world every once in a while to see how much time
(roughly) has passed.  If we are annihilated and duplicated with a
delay, I think we would be interested in how much time actually *did*
pass, in order to continue to live our life (identity) in the most
effective way.


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