George Levy wrote (19 July 2006):

>  As a mathematician you are trying to compose a theory of everything 
> using mathematics, this is understandable, and you came up with COMP 
> which is strongly rooted in mathematics and logic.
>  I came up independently with my own concept involving a 
> generalization of relativity to information theory ( my background is 
> engineering/physics) and somehow we seem to agree on many points. 
> Unfortunately I do not have the background and the time to give my 
> ideas a formal background. It is just an engineering product and it 
> feels right.

You should perhaps try to find a mathematician in your neighborhood for 
helping you to formalize a bit your approach. I can give you book 
advices on information theory if you are interested. Unfortunately the 
relation between information theory and logic are not so easy. I know 
that Abramski works on it, and Devlin wrote a book on information in 
some logician sense (this is not yet standard), you could search 
"Devlin" on Amazon for the reference.
In this setting quantum information theory is also hard to avoid. There 
are many good books too.

>  I believe that what you are saying is right,  however I am having 
> some trouble following you, just like Norman Samish said. It would 
> help if you outlined a roadmap. Then we would be able to follow the 
> roadmap without having to stop and admire the mathematical scenery at 
> every turn even though it is very beautiful to the initiated, I am 
> sure. For example you could use several levels of explanation: a first 
> level would be as if your were talking to your grandmother; a second 
> level, talking to your kids (if they listen); a last level, talking to 
> your colleagues.

Like I just said to Stathis, I have some difficulties. But this is 
really because I want that roadmap post to be comprehensible by the 

Thanks for being patient,


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