Bruno, I spent some (!) time on speculating on 'timelessness' - Let me tell
up front: I did not solve it.
Hi John

For example, we can conceive of a consciousness generated by a computer operating in a time share mode where the time share occur every thousand years. The important thing is that there should be a logical flow in the computation, and it really does not matter what is the time scale, the sampling, in which dimension you operate or the level of computation. (you could be operating across several levels)  The only thing that matters is that each point of the computation be connected to the next one by a valid logical link, as in a network. This logical network in fact frees you from having to specify a dimension such as time or a level of computation. The logical connections (or consistent histories as Bruno calls them) in the network are in fact emergent according to the Anthropic principle. The logical links (or consistencies) exist because you are there to observe them. Just as a Rorschach test . You are making the links as you go along.


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