> So your theory is that the electromagnetic field has an ability to learn
which is not reflected in QED - it's some hitherto unknown aspect of the
field and it doesn't show up in the field violating Maxwell's equations
> QED predictions?  And further this aspect of the EM field is able to
effect behavior - at least in brains?
> Apparently this aspect of the EM field is not affected by external
>  otherwise thought processes would be affected by standing near power
> lines and Van de Graf generators.  It is essentially independent of EM
fields as described by known physics.
> Brent Meeker

RE: 'EM fields that learn'
The brain reconfigures itself according to learnt things. As the brain
does this it alters the expression of electric fields in space. I don't
call that 'electric fields learning'.

RE: Etc
This is not about electric fields. It's about rethinking the fabric of
everything such that what we see electric fields doing in brain material
becomes experiences. It's the answer to this question:

"Given the EM dance we see in brain material, what sort of universe would
make that 'experience', where 'experience' is a painting of what is 'not

The answer to that question is not QED or QM or any other empirical law
derived USING experience.

Did you read the painting metaphor? I can't say it any clearer.

Colin Hales

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