On 2/25/07, Brent Meeker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[SP, in response to Tom Caylor]:

> > Sorry if I have misunderstood, and if I have been unclear or tangential.
> > Several posts back you spoke of positivism being deficient because "a
> > closed system which is supposedly totally explainable will always have
> > at least one fixed point that is unexplainable".
> This is somewhat beside the point anyway.  Positivists (and all
> foundationists) suppose that there are some things known directly, without
> explanation, usually by direct perception or by introspection.  Just as
> mystics suppose some things are directly intuited or revealed by meditation,
> e.g. "...such things as fundamentality, generality and beauty."
> Brent Meeker

But then why value a scientific explanation over a mystical explanation?
It's straightforward when we stick to science as a method for making
predictions and creating technology (penicillin works better than prayer),
but where does this leave the example you raised recently, the
interpretation of quantum mechanics? I understand that some journals will
not publish papers on this subject on positivist grounds, i.e. that it is
metaphysics rather than science.

Stathis Papaioannou

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