Hi Max,

I will first comment what you say about Gödel's theorem.
You say (pp 19, 20) that Gödel's second incompleteness theorem implies 
that we can never be 100% sure that "this" (Peano Arithmetic, real 
numbers, ...) is consistent, and that this would leave open the 
possibility that a finite length proof of "0 = 1".
This is a very common misconception of Godel's incompleteness, 
sometimes advocated by "relativists".
By "common" I mean that most good popularizations of Godel's results 
address correctly this misconception. I am mainly thinking about 
Smullyan's many books on this subject, or the more recent, quite 
excellent, book by Torkel Franzèn "Gödel's Theorem An incomplete Guide 
to its Use and Abuse". I certainly recommand  it to anyone interested 
in this list subject. Franzèn is a little weak on the *Use* of Gödel's 
theorem, but quite excellent on the so widespread *Misuses* and 

It is hard for me to believe you are serious on Gödel. Even if we grant 
some possibility of doubting the consistency of Peano Arithmetic PA 
(say) I don't see how you derive from Gödel's second theorem the 
possibility of a finite proof of 0=1. Gödel's theorem is itself 
provable in PA, so your doubt would have a circular origin. Would PA 
proves its consistency, this could be doubtful too:  after all, all 
inconsistent theories do proof their own consistency. Then it is easy 
to provide everyday informal quite convincing proof of the consistency 
of PA  by using the fact that the axioms of PA are satisfied by the 
model (N, +, *), and the inference rule of PA are truth preserving). 
Formally, the consistency of PA can be proved in weak fragment of ZF 
(Zermelo Fraenkel set theory) by transfinite induction up to the little 
constructive ordinal epsilon zero (Gentzen theorem).

Now, what is curious and amazing, is the following consequence of the 
second incompleteness theorem: given that PA is consistent, but cannot 
prove its consistency, it follows that the theory PA + [PA is 
inconsistent], that is PA with the addition of the axiom Bf (beweisbar 
false = false is provable)  has to be consistent too! (why? because if 
you can derive a contradiction in PA from Bf, you would prove in PA 
that Bf -> f, that is ~Bf = PA's consistency, contradicting the second 
incompleteness theorem. NOW, by Godel's COMPLETENESS (not 
INcompleteness) theorem, all first order theory is consistent if and 
only if the theory has a model (in the logician sense, that is a model 
is a mathematical structure satisfying the axioms.  I think your 
misconception could come from this fact. Indeed the completeness 
theorem entails that the theory PA+Bf , being con,sistent by Godel II, 
has a model! So there is a mathematical structure which satisfies the 
axiom of PA + there is a proof of a falsity. But PA can prove (like 
weaker theories) that 0 is not (a godel number coding) a proof of f, 
and that 1 is not a proof of f, and that 2 is not a proof of f, etc. 
That is, for each natural number n, PA can prove that n is not the 
godel number of a falsity f. Thus, in the model of PA+Bf, the object  
corresponding to a proof of a falsity has to be different from any 
natural number. logician describes such object has an infinite non 
standard numbers, and it can't correspond to anything looking like a 
finite proof of f, or 0=1.

By the way, this list mixes people with diploma and without, you could 
have asked or participate, but then this is what you are doing now, 
isn't it? I have a phd in logic and computer science, although my 
motivation has always been biology and/or theology, I mean fundamental 
questioning. People without diploma are often better on new or very old 
questions because they are less prejudiced by granting less theories. 
It is also why I like to interview directly universal machines.

What is much more annoying in your paper, and shows that you have never 
really  consulted this mailing list, is that you are still burying 
under the rug the mind body problem, or the first person/third person 
relation problem. Your use of the frog/bird distinction illustrates 
that you are using implicitly, despite your mathematicalism which I 
appreciate, some "mind-matter"-like identity theory capable of giving 
sense to the notion of a physical structure and of an observer 
belonging to it. This *can* make sense, but, especially with the 
computationalist hypothesis (= I am turing emulable), such a thing has 
to be justified. This follows from the Universal Dovetailer Argument + 
the Movie-graph Argument.  I have already show that the 
computationalist hypothesis (roughly: there is a level of description 
where I am Turing emulable) entails the falsity of the computational 
universe thesis. Physicalness, with comp, is a global internal feature 
of arithmetical reality emerging from "machine's dream gluing", to be 

Another problem, is that, although I agree with mathematicalism, I have 
no clue of what could be "All Mathematics". But with the Church Thesis, 
or Church-Turing thesis, it can be argued that arithmetical reality is 
enough (even for set-theoretical talking machine). Analysis and 
everyday informal mathematics can be justified from inside too. See my 
other posts or my work (hmm...I should update my webpage with my last 
papers). About some of your point on mathematics, I think category 
theory could help you, but note that it will not help for defining the 
whole of math.

I finish by saying that I am ok with your ERH (there exists an external 
physical reality completely independent of us human).
But I do not believe there could exist a corresponding external 
physical reality completely independent of us lobian entity, once we 
assume the comp hyp, or even very weak version of the comp hyp). CF the 
UDA reasoning.
About the MUH (Our external physical reality is a mathematical 
structure), I find this very vague and ambiguous and have to think more 
about how you derive it. With comp the physical has to emerge from a 
notion of first person plural sharable experiences. Of course I am not 
saying that comp is true, but I have made that first person sharable 
experience enough precise so that it can be empirically tested, and I 
can already show that many feature of quantum mechanics are 
consequences of it. I hope to derive the local exploitability of 
universal quantum machine in the neighborhood of (almost all) classical 
universal, in the years to come, or to refute it, and thus refute the 
comp hyp.
I show also that Godel's results (and Löb Solovay generalizations, ref 
in my Lille thesis) provide a transparent arithmetical interpretation 
of Plotinus theology, including his platonist theory of matter. The 
UDA, then, can relate Plotinus with the comp hyp, and does illustrate 
new relationships between Pythagorean and Platonist "theologies" (in 
the greek sense, not necessarily in the Christian sense). See some 
"theological" threads in the archive.


Le 11-avr.-07, à 17:25, Max a écrit :

> Hi Folks,
> After a decade of procrastination, I've finally finished writing up a
> sequel to that paper that I wrote back in 1996 (Is "the theory of
> everything'' merely the ultimate ensemble theory?) that's been the
> subject of so much interesting discussion in this group.
> It's entitled "The Mathematical Universe", and you'll find it at
> http://arxiv.org/pdf/0704.0646 and 
> http://space.mit.edu/home/tegmark/toe.html
> - I'd very much appreciate any comments that you may have.
> The purpose of this paper is both to clarify what I mean by the Level
> IV Multiverse and to further explore various implications, so it has
> lots of discussion of stuff like the simulation argument, the relation
> to Schmidhuber's ideas, Gödel incompleteness and Church-Turing
> incomputability. Please let me apologize in advance for the fact that
> Sections III, IV and the appendix of this paper are quite technical,
> so if you're among the 99.99% who don't have a Ph.D. in theoretical
> physics, perhaps skip those sections. I've added links to more
> accessible papers touching on some of these issues at
> http://space.mit.edu/home/tegmark/toe.html, and I'll try to write
> something less obtuse soon.
> Finally, if you discover a good time stretching device, please let me
> know! Although I'm embarrassed that I haven't found the time to follow
> and participate in the fascinating discussions in this group, the fact
> that there's such interest has inspired and motivated me to continue
> pursuing these ideas despite the discouragement from mainstream
> academia. So thanks for the encouragement!
> Max
> ;-)
> >

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