On 07 Nov 2008, at 15:57, Mirek Dobsicek wrote:

> Bruno Marchal in an older post wrote:
>>> Also,
>>> can you elaborate a bit more on the motivation behind category  
>>> theory?
>>> Why
>>> was it invented, and what problems does it solve? What's the  
>>> relationship
>>> between category theory and the idea that all possible universes  
>>> exists?
>> Tim makes a very genuine remark (but he writes so much I fear that  
>> has
>> been unnoticed!). He said: read Tegmark (Everything paper), then  
>> learn
>> category, then read again Tegmark. Indeed I would say category  
>> theory has
> Bruno, which of the Tegmark's 'Everything papers' did you have in  
> your mind?

I guess it is this one:


But it looks the paper is alive and evolves. I was thinking of its  
diagram of mathematical structures.
Category theory put "natural" order in mathematical theories.

But recursion theory is a sort of obstacle. category theory works  
well  for  sort of first person recursion theory (like with  
realizability, typed lambda calculus/comobinators, etc.)

Then category is a must for knots and geometry ...

Well come back,



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