Thanks for directing our minds into wider regions, Wei Dai.

I will look into the recent ways singularity is thought of - I may be
I found tour intro to LessWrong interesting, I clicked away (not all of
I read through Eliezer's (sample) URL-text and the 'sample' discussions
attached, his text was frightening (the sweeps through unexpected
nondeniable sidetracks) - a bit long, but exciting. The discussion I found
mediocre, especially with watching the number of points assigned.

I have difficulty with the term 'tribal'. I have yet to find 'my tribe'.

I will visit LessWrong with an open mind (mine, that is) and may expose
myself to adverse reflections based on my 'bottom line' - a physicist-wise
not approvable agnostic personal worldview in an interrelated wholeness of
more than we know of today.

It was a joy to 'meet' smart minds thinking in different ways . Some I may
approve-of, with a certain "I dunno".

John Mikes

On 3/14/10, Wei Dai <> wrote:
> Recently I heard the news that Max Tegmark has joined the Advisory Board of
> SIAI (The Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence, see
> ).
> This news was surprising to me, but in retrospect perhaps shouldn't have
> been. Out of the three authors of papers I cited in the original
> everything-list charter/invitation, two others had already effectively
> declared themselves to be Singularitarians (see
> Nick Bostrom has been on
> SIAI's Advisory Board for a while, and Juergen Schmidhuber spoke at the
> Singularity Summit 2009. I was also recently invited to visit SIAI for a
> decision theory mini-workshop, where I found the ultimate ensemble idea to
> be very well-received.  It turns out that many SIAI people have been
> following the everything-list for years.
> There seems to be a very strong correlation between interest in the kind of
> ideas we discuss here, and interest in the technological singularity. (I
> myself have been interested in the Singularity even before starting this
> mailing list.) So the main point of this post is to let the list members
> who
> are not already familiar with the Singularity know that there is another
> set
> of ideas out there that they are likely to find fascinating.
> Another reason for this post is to let you know that I've been spending
> most
> of my online discussion time at Less Wrong
> (, "a community blog devoted to
> refining the art of human rationality" which is sponsored by the Future
> Humanity Institute, founded by Nick Bostrom, and effectively "owned" by
> Eliezer Yudkowsky, founder of SIAI). There I wrote a sequence of posts
> summarizing my current thoughts about decision theory, interpretations of
> probability, anthropic reasoning, and the ultimate ensemble theory.
> I initially wanted to reach a difference audience with these ideas, but
> found that the Less Wrong format has several of advantages: both posts and
> comments can be voted upon, the site's members uphold fairly strict
> standards of clarity and logic, and the threaded presentation of comments
> makes discussions much easier to follow. So I plan to continue to spend
> most
> of my time there, and invite other everything-list members to join me. But
> please note that the site has a different set customs and emphases in
> topics. New members are also expected to have a good grasp of the current
> state of the art in human rationality in general (Bayesianism, heuristics
> and biases, Aumann agreement, etc., see
> before posting, and especially
> before getting into disagreements and arguments with others.
> --
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