Hi Rex,

    Thank you for bringing this paper to our attention. I would like to point 
out two problems that I see in Meillassoux’ argument.

So to minimize arguing against a straw man I will quote specific passages from 
the paper.

“ if laws were contingent, they would change so frequently, so fre-
netically, that we would never be able to grasp anything whatsoever, because 
none of the conditions for the stable representation of objects would ever 
In short, if causal connection were contingent, we would know it so well that 
would no longer know anything. As can be seen, this argument can only pass from 
the notion of contingency to the notion of frequency given the presupposition 
that it 
is extraordinarily  improbable  that the laws should remain constant rather 
being modified in every conceivable way at every moment.”

    Here we have what appears to be a well reasoned argument until we inquire 
as to the definition of the term “to know” that is used. If an entity exists in 
a universe subject to frequent and contingent change what is to allow the mind 
of that entity the ability to have the ability to know anything at all? The 
entity and its brain/mind would be subject to the very same capricious 
randomness that the rest of that universe undergoes and thus the notion of 
knowing becomes null and void.

“...thinkable worlds, which could only reinforce the 
conviction that the constancy of just one of them is extraor-
dinarily improbable. But it is precisely on this point that the 
unacceptable postulate of our `probabilist sophism' hinges, 
for I ask then: of which infinity are we speaking here? We 
know, since Cantor, that infinities are multiple, that is to 
say, are of different cardinalities - more or less `large', like 
the discrete and continuous infinities - and above all that 
these infinities constitute a multiplicity it is impossible to 
foreclose, since a set of all sets cannot be supposed without 
contradiction. The Cantorian revolution consists in having 
demonstrated that infinities can be differentiated, that is, 
that one can think the equality or inequality of two 
infinities: two infinite sets are equal when there exists 
between them a biunivocal correspondence, that is, a 
bijective function which makes each element of the first 
correspond with one, and only one, of the other. They are 
unequal if such a correspondence does not exist. Further 
still, it is possible to demonstrate that, whatever infinity is 
considered,  an infinity of superior cardinality  (a `larger' infinity) 
necessarily exists. One need only construct (something that is 
always possible) the set of the parts of this infinity. From 
this perspective, it becomes impossible to think a last
infinity that no other could exceed.
But in that case, since there is no reason, whether 
empirical or theoretical, to choose one infinity rather than 
another, and since we can no longer rely on reason to 
constitute an absolute totality of all possible cases, and 
since we cannot give any particular reason upon which to 
ground the existence of such a universe of cases, we 
cannot legitimately construct any set within which the 
foregoing probabilistic reasoning could make sense. This 
then means that it is indeed incorrect to infer from the 
contingency of laws the necessary frequency of their 
changing. So it is not absurd to suppose that the current 
constants might remain the same whilst being devoid of 
necessity, since the notion of possible change - and even 
chaotic change, change devoid of all reason - can be 
separated from that of frequent change:  laws which are 
contingent, but stable beyond all probability, thereby become 

The bold and italics are my highlighting of a statement within this passage.

end quote

    Does Meillassoux not understand anything about calculus, analysis, 
computational complexity theory or other higher mathematics? These infinities 
within the Cantorian tower are not just some abstraction that has no relation 
with other abstract structures. There is a long line of careful reasoning that 
allow us to understand what Cardinality of infinity a set belongs to and thus 
this part of Meillassoux’ argument is contradicted by mathematics. 
Additionally, Meillassoux seems to also gloss over the assumption of 
well-foundedness in his logic...
    Failure to understand what infinities are has plagued many and a failure to 
understand them by some persons is a sad fact in our world.  OTOH, to wonder 
which infinity the set of all possible worlds belongs to is not trivial matter 
so I can forgive this obvious 1004 error (of using jargon to hide a fallacy), 
we can point to Max Tegmark’s meandering thoughts on this question if we want 
to, we need to find a firm foundation upon which we can leverage the notion of 
“contingent yet stable”laws. Over all I think that Meillassoux is asking the 
right kinds of questions but I just wish that he would venture away from the 
Streetlight. I will continue to read and think about this papers ideas.

Please also see 
http://www.cosmosandhistory.org/index.php/journal/article/view/118/272 for more 
detailed discussion of Meillassoux’ ideas.



From: Rex Allen 
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 8:24 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com 
Subject: Probability, Necessity, and Infinity
Somewhat related to Stephen's post on Srednicki and Hartle's paper.

Quentin Meillassoux, "Potentiality and Virtuality":

"We have at our disposal the means to reformulate Hume's problem without 
abandoning the ontological perspective in favour of the epistemic perspective 
largely dominant today. Beginning to resolve the problem of induction comes 
down to delegitimating the probabilistic reasoning at the origin of the refusal 
of the contingency of laws. More precisely, it is a matter of showing what is 
fallacious in the inference from the contingency of laws to the frequency (and 
thus the observability) of their changing. This amounts to refusing the 
application of probability to the contingency of laws, thereby producing a 
valuable conceptual distinction between contingency understood in this radical 
sense and the usual concept of contingency conceived as chance subject to the 
laws of probability. Given such a distinction, it is no longer legitimate to 
maintain that the phenomenal stability of laws compels us to suppose their 

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