
Name: Roger B. Clough Born 9/7/41

Roger Clough has introduced a number of innovations to the fields of 
evaluation,using acoustic emission, and the mechanical characterization of 
He was co-inventor of the multichannel acoustic emission technique, which is 
now accepted 
world-wide as the theoretical basis of laboratory acoustic emission 
He was one of the prime contributors in advancing and implementing the energy 
theory of 
acoustic emission into a practical quantitative method of source 
characterization in complex structures. 
In addition, he pio- neered its use in monitoring industrial applications such 
as electron 
 beam surface modification, laser drilling, fracture of materials during 
processing, and the 
measurement of interface strength in fiber composites. These methods are being 
widely adopted 
by other researchers. In the area of mechanical properties of materials, 
he developed a dislocation theory of multiaxial plasticity, and more recently 
has developed a 
theory of the densification and distortion of particulate materials which is 
being implemented in 
finite element calculations in several outside laboratories 
that are studying the consolidation of metal powders. 

He : 

developed the modern theory of acoustic emission with John Simmons 

Chairman, NDE In the Nuclear Industry 

Edited book, Quantitative NDE in the Nuclear Industry 

International Advisory Committee, 14th World Conference on NDT 

Member, ASME Committee on Materials Characterization 

Was asked to contribute definition of Acoustic Emission for Encyclopeia of 
Advanced Materials 

Isreal Negev Reaearch followed up on use of his using his method of measuring 
proportional limit of materials. 


B.S. (Cum Laude), (1963), Metallurgical Engineering, Lafayette College, Alcoa 

member of Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi. 

MS (1965) and PhD (1967), Metallurgical Engineering (Physics minor), University 
of Arizona. 
Fully supported by NASA 4-Year Doctoral Fellowship. 

Work Experience: 

 (1962-1963) Summer student researcher, Westinghouse Atomic Research (Bettis), 
Research subject: multiaxial creep. 

 (1966-69) RCA Sarnoff Laboratories, Princeton, NJ. Research subject: 
vapor-phase epitaxial growth of III-V compounds 

 (1969-2000) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). 

Research subjects at NIST: 

deformation and fracture of materials and correlations of these with 
microstructure and acoustic emission . Applications of acoustic 
emission to industrial processes (electron beam surface resolidification, 
laser drilling and hydrogen embrittlement cracking). 

Publications: About 70 publications, including the book "Quantitative NDE in 
the Nuclear Industry". 

Professional and International Recognition: 

1974-1984, Member of Advisory Board, series of conferences on NDE in the 
Nuclear Industry. 

In 1982, Chairman of the Fifth International Conference on NDE in the Nuclear 
held in La Jolla, Ca, sponsored by ASM, ASNT, and ASN. 

Selected to write the article on "acoustic emission" for the Encyclopedia of 
Advanced Materials (1994). 

Member of International Advisory Board, 14th World Conference on 
Non-Destructive Testing. 

Listed in "Marquis' Who's Who in Science and Engineering". 

Professional Memberships: 

American Society for Metals, the American Society for Testing and Materials, 
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Sigma Xi and Phi beta Kappa. 

Patent: Composite Solder, (May 28, 1996) No. 5,520,752 with George Lucey Jr. 
and Jennie S. Hwang 


1. R. B. Clough, "The Activation Energy for Plastic Flow in Stress Relaxation," 
Physica Status Solidi, Vol.17, p. K175 (1966). 

2. R.B. Clough and J. J. Tietjen, "Vapor-Phase Growth of GaAs1-xSbx Alloys 
Using Arsine and Stibine," 
Trans. Met. Soc. AIME<-"> Vol. 245, p.583 (1969). 

3. J. J. Tietjen, H. P. Maruska, and R. B. Clough, "The Preparation and 
Properties of Vapor- 
Deposited InAs(1-x)P(x) Alloys Using Arsine and Phosphine," Journal of The 
Electrochemical Society Vol. 116, p. 492 (1969). 

4. R. B. Clough and L. J. Demer, "Stress Relaxation and the Activation Energy 
for Plastic Flow in Solids 
- Commercially-Pure Aluminum," Physica Status Solidi, Vol. 36, p. 221 (1969). 

5. R.B.Clough and G. W. Geil, Appendix to "Temperature Changes in Specimens in 
Tests", Metallurgical Transactions, Vol.1, p. 1845 (1970). 

6. R. B. Clough and L. J. Demer, "Anomalous Dynamic Strain-Aging in 
Supersaturated Aluminum Alloys, " 
in "Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Strength of 
Metals and Alloys", ASM, p. 356 (1970). 

7. C. J. Nuese, D. Richman, and R. B. Clough, "The Preparation and Properties 
of Vapor-Grown 
In-Ga-P Alloys", Metallurgical Trans., Vol.2, p. 789, (1971). 

8. R. B. Clough, "Mobile Dislocation Density and Velocity in Plastically 
Deformed Aluminum 
at Room Temperature," Scripta Metallurgica, Vol.6, p. 293, (1972). 

9. R. B. Clough and J. A. Simmons, "A Theory of Multiaxial Plasticity Based on 
Dislocation Dynamics," <+">Acta Metallurgica, <-">Vol. 22, pp. 513-521 (1974). 

10. R. B. Clough and J.A. Simmons, "Thermodynamics of Dislocation Motion in 
Multiaxial Stress Fields," 
in "Rate Processes in Plastic Deformation " (Proceedings of the Dorn Memorial 
J. C. M. Li and A. K.Mukherjee (eds.), ASM, (1975). (Invited paper.) 

11. R.B. Clough, "A New Method for Determination of Proportional Limit and 
Machine Stiffness ", 
Journal of Testing and Evaluation, ASTM, Vol. 3, No.2, p.143 (1975). 

12. R. B. Clough, "The Effects of Specimen Size and Microstructure on the 
Larson-Miller Parameter," 
Scripta Metallurgica, Vol. 9, p. 1325, (1975). 

13. R. B. Clough, "Rational Basis and New Methods for Proportional Limit, 
Machine Stiffness, 
Critical Stress Intensity and Crack Velocity Measurements," in Recent 
Developments in Mechanical 
Testing, STP 608, ASTM (1976). 

14. R. B. Clough, "A Note on the Measurement of Proportional Limit Under 
Multiaxial Stress", 
Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol.4, p. 139 (1976). 

15. J.A.Simmons and R. B. Clough, "Theoretical Aspects of Acoustic Emission 
Spectral Measurements," 
Proceedings of the Eight World Conference on Nondestructive Testing, Cannes, 
France, Sept., pp. 1-8 (1976). 

16. J. A. Simmons and R.B. Clough, "Theoretical Elements of Acoustic Emission 
Proceedings of the ARPA/AFML Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE, Tech. 
Report AFML- 
TR-77-44 (1977). 

17. R. B. Clough, D. J.Chwirut and R. L. Bloss, "Impact Testing of Frangible 
NBS Tech. Report 10-810 (1972). 

18. D. C. Robinson and R. B. Clough, "Evaluation of the Thrown Objects Test For 
Lawnmower Safety Standard," NBS Tech. Report<+"> <-">76-1022 (1976). 

19. "Acoustic Emission in Nuclear Applications--The State of the Art", 
Evaluation in the Nuclear Industry, Salt Lake City, (Feb. 1980) (Invited paper) 

20. D. G. Eitzen, F. R. Breckenridge, R. B. Clough, E. R. Fuller, N. Hsu and J. 
A. Simmons, 
"Fundamental Developments for Quantitative Acoustic Emission Measurements," 
Electric Power 
Research Institute, Report RP608-1, Palo Alto, CA (1981). 

21. L. J. Swartzendruber, W. J. Boettinger, L. K. Ives, S. R.Coriell, D. B. 
Ballard, D. E. 
Laughlin, R. B. Clough, F. S. Biancaniello, P. J. Blau, J. W. Cahn, R. 
Mehrabian, G. Free, 
H. Berger and L. Mordfin, "NBS Nondestructive Evaluation of Nonuniformities in 
Aluminum Alloy Plate- Relation to Processing," NBS IR 2069 (1981). 

22. D. G. Eitzen, F. R. Breckenridge, R. B. Clough, E. R. Fuller, N. N. Hsu and 
J. A. Simmons, 
"Summary of Fundamental Developments for Quantitative Acoustic Emission 
Electric Power Research Institute, International Report No. N8-1877 (1981). 

23. D. G. Eitzen, F. R. Breckenridge, R. B. Clough, E. R.Fuller, N.Hsu and J. 
"Summary Report on the Electric Power Research Institute /National Bureau of 
Standards Joint 
  Program on Acoustic Emission," EPRI International Report (1981). 

24. J. A. Simmons and R. B. Clough, "Theory of Acoustic Emission," 
International Conference 
on Dislocation Modelling in Physical Systems, J. Hirth and M. Ashby (eds.), 
Pergamon Press, Oxford, p. 464 (1981).(Invited paper.) 

25. R.B.Clough and J.A. Simmons, "Reproducible Acoustic Emission Signatures by 
Indentation in Steels," Materials Evaluation, Vol. 39, pp. 1026-1031 (1981). 

26. R. B. Clough, J. Chang, and J. Travis, "Acoustic Emission Signatures and 
Microstructure Using Indentation Fatigue and Stress Corrosion Cracking in 
Aluminum Alloys," 
Scripta Met., Vol. 15, pp. 417-411 (1981). 

27. D. Eitzen, F. Breckenridge, R. Clough, N. Hsu, T. Proctor and J. Simmons, 
Developments in Quantitative Acoustic Emission Measurements," Review of 
Progress in Quantitative 
NDE, Boulder, CO (Aug. 1981). 

28. R. Mehrabian, H. N. G. Wadley, R. B. Clough, S.Fick, S. Ridder, M. Rosen, 
J. Simmons, 
"NDE and RSP: Research on Coupling Two Emerging Technologies," Tech. Report 
No. 4275, (1982). 

29. R. B. Clough and H. Wadley, "Indentation Loading Studies of Acoustic 
from Temper and Hydrogen Embrittled A533B Steel," Met. Trans. A. Vol. 13A, 
pp. 1965-1975 (1982). 

30. D. G. Eitzen, F. Breckenridge, R. B. Clough, N. N. Hsu, T. Proctor and J. 
"NBS Developments in Quantitative Acoustic Emission Measurements", in Review of 
Progress in 
Quantitative NDE, D. Thompson (ed.), (1982) 

31. R. B. Clough and J. A. Simmons, "Reproducible Acoustic Emission Signatures 
Indentation in Steels," Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE, AFWAL Tech. 
Report AFWAL- 
TR- 81- 4080, (Sept.. 1981). 

32. R. B. Clough and H. Wadley, "Indentation Loading Studies of Acoustic 
Emission from Temper and 
Hydrogen Embrittled A533B Steel," Report No. AERE- R-10400, U.K.A.E.A., 
Harwell, U.K. (Dec., 1981). 

33. D. G. Eitzen, F. Breckenridge, R. Clough, N.Hsu, T. Proctor, J. Simmons, C. 
Stockton and 
H. Wadley, "Fundamental Developments in Acoustic Emission Measurements: The NBS 
Program," in 
"Quantitative NDE in the Nuclear Industry", R. B.Clough (ed.), American Soc. 
for Metals, 
Metals Park, OH, p. 315 (1983).(Invited paper.) 

34. R. B. Clough (ed.), "Quantitative NDE in the Nuclear Industry", (Book), 
American Society for Metals, Metals Park, Ohio (1983). 

35. R. B. Clough, H. N. G. Wadley and R. Mehrabian, "Heat Flow- Acoustic 
Emission - 
Microstructure Correlations in Rapid Surface Solidification,"<+">International 
Conf. on 
Applications of Lasers in Materials Processing, S. Copley and C. Metzbower 
Los Angeles, Cal., American Society for Metals , Metals Park OH, p. 37 
(1983).(Invited paper.) 

36. R. B. Clough, H. N. G. Wadley, and R. Mehrabian, "Experimental Studies of 
the Dynamics 
of Rapid Solidification," Third Conference on Rapid Solidification Processing: 
  and Technologies III, R. Mehrabian (ed.), NBS, pp. 403-415 (1983) (Invited 

37. R. B. Clough, F. S. Biancaniello and H. N. G. Wadley, "Acoustic Emission 
Studies of 
Electron Beam Melting and Rapid Solidification," in Applications and 
Development of NDE for 
Use in Materials Processing, O. Buck and S. Wolf (eds.), ASM, Metals Parks, OH 
p.27 (1984). 

38. R. B. Clough and H. Wadley, "Acoustic Emission Studies of Dislocation 
Motion and 
Microfracture in Rapid Solidification in Aluminum Alloys," Review of Progress 
Quantitative NDE, Pergamon Press, Oxford (1985). 

39. R. B. Clough, H. N. G. Wadley, and R. J. Schaefer "Acoustic Emission 
of Laser Drilling," in NDE of Microstructure for Process Control, H.. Wadley 
Amer.Soc. for Metals, Metals Park, OH, p. 133 (1985) (Invited paper). 

40. R. B. Clough and H. N. G. Wadley, "Acoustic Emission Monitoring of 
Motion During Electron Beam Melting and Rapid Solidification of Aluminum 
in Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 
D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti (eds.), Vol.4B, p.661 (1985). 

41. R. B. Clough, H. N. G. Wadley and F. S. Biancaniello, "Fracture Mechanisms 
in Single Crystal Composites", J. Acoustic Emission, p.569 (1986). 

42. R. B. Clough, "The Energetics of AE Source Characterization", Materials 
Evaluation, Vol. 45, p. 556 (1987). 

43. R. B. Clough, H. N. G. Wadley and R. Mehrabian, "Acoustic Emission Studies 
of Electron Beam Surface Modification of Aluminum", Met. Trans. Vol. 19B, 
pp.493-503 (1987). 

44. R. B. Clough, F. S. Biancaniello and H. N. G. Wadley, "Measurement of Fiber 
Fracture and Fiber-Matrix Interface Shear Strengths in Metal Matrix 
Proc. of a Conf.on Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Advanced Materials 
and Composites, H. Mindlin (ed.), publ. by Battelle Mem. Inst., Columbus, OH 
(1987). (Invited paper.) 

45. R.B. Clough, F.S. Biancaniello and H. Wadley, "Micromechanical Studies of 
Metal Matrix Composites", Materials Research Society Symposium Vol. 120, 
pp.35-44 (1988) 
(Invited paper.) 

46. J. A. Simmons, R. B. Clough, E. D. Krasicka, F. Biancaniello, M. Rosen, T. 
and H.Wadley, "Composite Materials Interface Characterization", NBS Tech. 
Report (1987). 

47. R. B. Clough, F. S. Biancaniello, H. Wadley, and U. R. Kattner, "Fiber and 
Interface Fracture in Single-Crystal Aluminum/SiC Fiber Composites", 
Transactions, Vol. 21A, pp. 2747- 2757 (1990). 

48. J. J. Wlassich and R. B. Clough, "Investigation Into a Practical Grain 
Model for Hot Isostatic Pressing", Proceedings, Second Int.Conf. on Hot 
Pressing, R.Schaefer (ed.), ASM, (1991) (Invited Paper). 

49. H. Wadley, R. J. Schaefer, A.H.Kahn, M.F.Ashby, R.B.Clough, Y.Geffen, and 
Wlassich, "Sensing and Modeling of Hot Isostatic Pressing of Copper Powders", 
Proceedings, Second Int. Conf. on Hot Isostatic Pressing, R. Schaefer, ed., 
ASM (1991). (Invited Paper.) 

50. R. B. Clough and R. J. Schaefer, "The Micromechanics of Densification and 
Fourth International Conf. on Isostatic Pressing, (ISO4), Stratford-Upon-Avon, 
UK, (1990), Paper No. 38. 

51. H.Wadley, R.J.Schaefer, A.H.Kahn, M.F.Ashby, R.B.Clough, Y.Geffen, and 
J.J.Wlassich, "Sensing and Modeling of the Hot Isostatic Pressing of Copper 
Acta Metall.Mater, (1991), Vol. 39, pp. 979-986. 

52. J. S. Hwang, G. Lucey, R. B. Clough and J. Marshall, "Futuristic Solders - 
Utopia or Ultimate Performance?", Surface Mount Technology, Vol. 5, No. 9 
(Sept., 1991), pp. 40-41. (Invited paper). 

53. A. Manor and R. Clough, "In-Situ Determination of Fiber Strength and 
Segment Length in Composites Using Acoustic Emission", Composites Science and 
Technology, Vol. 45 (1992) pp. 73-81. 

54. R. Clough, "Application of Acoustic Emission to Studying Fiber 
as a Process in Single Fiber Composites", Review of Progress in Quantitative 
Nondestructive Evaluation, D. Thompson (ed.), Vol 11b , pp. 1515-1522 (1991) 

55. R. B. Clough, "A Scalar Approach to Acoustic Emission", International 
on Vibroacoustic Characterization of Materials and Structures, P.K.Raju (ed.), 
ASME, (1992). (Invited paper.), pp.101-110. 

56. R.B.Clough and R.F.Schaefer, "Effects of Shear Stress and Void Shape Change 
on the Distortion and Densification of Powder Compacts", Materials Science and 
Technology, Vol. 9, pp. 328-335, (1993). 

57. R. B. Clough, R. Patel, J. S. Hwang, and G. Lucey, "Preparation and 
of Reflowed Paste and Bulk Composite Solder", National Electronic Packaging and 
Production Conference (NEPCON West `92), Proc. Technical Program, Vol. III, 
pp.1256-1265. (Invited paper.) 

58. R.B. Clough and J.A.Simmons, "Acoustic Emission", Encyclopedia of Advanced 
D. Bloor, R. Brook, M. Flemings, and S. Mahajan, (eds.) Pergamon Press, (1994) 
(Invited article) . 

59. R. B. Clough, A. J. Bayba, A. J. Shapiro, and G. K. Lucey, Jr., "Boundary 
Fracture of Copper/Composite Solder Interfaces", First ASME International 
Packaging Conference, (SUNY, Binghamton, NY, 9/93), ASME. 

60. R. B. Clough, A. J. Bayba, and G. K. Lucey, Jr., "Finite Element Studies of 
Edge Shape and Boundary Conditions on the Stresses in Single Lap Shear Layers", 
First ASME International Electronic Packaging Conference, (SUNY, Binghamton, 
9/93), ASME. 

61. Roger B. Clough, A.J. Shapiro and G. K. Lucey, Jr., "Effects of Residual 
Porosity On the Strength of Sn-Pb/Cu(6)Sn(5) PARTICULATE COMPOSITEs, 
Materials Science and Technology, Vol.10, (1994) pp.696-701. 

62. John T. Barnett, Roger B. Clough and Benjamin Kedem, "Power Considerations 
in Acoustic Emission", Jour. of the Acoustic Society of America (1995),<-"> 
Vol. 98, 

63. R. B. Clough, A. J. Shapiro, A. J. Bayba, and G. K. Lucey, Jr., "Boundary 
Layer Fracture 
in Composite Solder Joints", Journal of Electronic Packaging, Vol. 117 (Dec. 
1995), pp.270-274. 

64. J.T. Barnett, R.B. Clough and B.Kedem, "Power Considerations in Acoustic 
Technical Research Report, T.R. 95-42, Univ. of Maryland (1995) 

65. R.B. Clough and W.G. McDonough, "The Measurement of Fiber Strength 
in Fragmentation Tests By Using Acoustic Emission", Composites Science and 
Vol. 56, pp.1119-1127, (1996) 

66. R. B. Clough and Richard J. Fields,"Yield Surface for Porous Metal Matrix 
Composites", for IUTAM "Symposium on Mechanics of Granular and Porous 
` paper not ready at time of conference manual, so not in conf. proceedings 
than abstract but sent to all participants afterward (Invited paper, Cambridge 
Univ., July 15-17 1996). For the published text, see No.68 below. 

67. Charles Hagwood, Roger Clough and Richard Fields, "Estimation of the 
Threshold For the Inverse Weibull Power Law", IEEE Transactions of Reliability, 
Vol.48, pp.176-181 (1999). 

68. R. B. Clough and R.J. Fields, "Effects of Bond Strength on Densification 
and Flow 
of Powder Compacts", Powder Metallurgy, Vol.43, pp.263-269 (2000). 

69. Roger B. Clough, Stephen C. Webb and Ronald W. Armstrong, "Dynamic hardness 
using a dropped ball: with Application to 1018 Steel", Materials Science and 
A360 (2003) 396-407. 

70. Armstrong, Ronald W.; Clough, Roger B.; Kish, Laszlo B.; Lucey, George K. 
"The dancer and the piper: resolving problems with government research 
Defense AT & L, November 1, 2004 


[Roger Clough], [] 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 

[Roger Clough], [] 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen

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