On 13 November 2013 17:03, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

>  On 11/12/2013 7:28 PM, LizR wrote:
> On 13 November 2013 16:19, Richard Ruquist <yann...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Simple. Shooting yourself with a gun or whatever means you use to end
>> your life in one universe does not guarranttee that you do not grow in all
>> other universes. Unless the laws of physics differ across the multiverse,
>> which I understand to be incorrect, your copies will grow old and die in
>> every universe.
>  I think it would help if you put your comment beneath whatever you were
> replying to. :)
>  However, assuming I understand what you're saying I will attempt a
> reply...
>  The laws of physics don't *mandate* growing old and dying, they just
> make it overwhelmingly likely. But in a multiverse everything happens, even
> incredibly unlikely things...
> That's another dubious popularization.  Certainly weird things can happen
> in a QM world. But *everything*?  There are still conservation laws,
> superselection rules, limited speed of signaling.  Repeating  measurement
> doesn't produce "every" value, it produces the same eigenvalue as before.
> Many QM processes are deterministic in one world, c.f.
> arXiv:quant-ph/070212v1.
> I apologise for my over hasty phraseology. I meant to say everything that
is physically possible happens - i.e. all physically possible outcomes of
each (apparently probabalistic) quantum event. I didn't mean to imply
that *physically
impossible* things happen (and it would have been nice if you'd done me the
courtesy of thinking that perhaps that was what I meant, rather than
assuming that "oh, she must be spouting dubious popularisations!" as you
appear to have done.)

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