The phenomenon of eidetic (photographic) memory is well established as a 
reality. For an example of what it means, read the top answer to this 
People with this gift/disability remember every moment of their lives in 
*detail. To me this raises real questions about the comp hypothesis and the 
'yes doctor'. Consider the 'RAM' required for this type of recall. Memories 
are 3d and 'retina' resolution. If we consider that an hour of Blu-ray 
footage consumes about 30Gb, then some rough calculations show that Blu-ray 
quality footage of an entire life of 60 years would consume around 17,000 
terabytes of storage. But these memories include tactile, olfactory and 
cognitive channels as well as visual and auditory information, and of 
course the resolution of the visual system is far better than Blu-ray. I'd 
take a rough guess and say that full recording of a person's mental 
experience in all external and internal channels would have to require 
hundreds or even thousands of times the bandwidth of Blu-ray. But even at 
what I'd think would be an extremely conservative estimate of a hundred 
times, we're up near two million terabytes (two exabytes). What's more, 
there appears to be no strain, no sign of running out of space at all, as 
if capacity was simply not an issue. This type of example makes me really 
question whether digital prosthetics are a real possibility at all - it 
looks to me strongly suggestive of a totally different way of recording 
information, or even of the possibility that recording and storage are the 
wrong metaphor entirely. 'Christian' in the above quora response says that 
he has little means of distinguishing a memory from a live experience, 
making for a very confusing mental life. This type of memory looks more 
like a kind of time travel than a recording. Perhaps this is still 
compatible with Bruno's version of comp - the universal subject inhabiting 
the pure space of Number - but it's more problematic for step one of the 
whole argument that leads to this vision, namely saying 'yes' to a digital 

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