Getting back to this Bruno quote that Liz threw in: 

> On 15 Apr 2015, at 7:05 pm, LizR <> wrote:
> "This makes quanta into a particular case of qualia, being somehow sharable, 
> and making physical reality a first person plural reality"
> >
> > So what would happen if everyone died in some cataclysm, except for one 
> > person?

Is the belief that nothing would change for that person apart from the 
perception of solitude as the last being on Earth being mooted meant to falsify 
or shed doubt on the comp notion of quanta being "sharable qualia"? 

Wouldn't it be more likely to support the notion given that you would almost 
certainly go bonkers rather quickly but be unable any longer to be sure. I 
imagine that certain other aspects of reality might well cease to exist (in 
one's perception, but that might be all there is). Whether they actually cease 
to exist or only cease to exist for one brings us back to "who is deluded and 
about what are they supposed to be deluded?"


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