Quentin Anciaux wrote:
2015-05-04 10:24 GMT+02:00 Bruce Kellett <bhkell...@optusnet.com.au Quentin Anciaux wrote:

        But then again... you reject step 0, so why bother saying
        because of that step N is invalid... well ok, if step 0 is
        invalid, any further deduction from it is also invalid. Either
        just for the argument, you go as if step 0 is valid and try to
        show an error, meaning to show that step N is not deductively
        valid from the steps 0 to N-1 so as to demonstrate that the
        argument as a whole is invalid (and so is not deductively valid
        from step 0)... that's not what you do, you start with 0 is
        invalid... so well, yes the rest doesn't follow, no need for you
        to attack a special particular step after that. But if the
        argument is deductively valid, then if step 0 is true, the rest

    You haven't followed the twists and turns of the discussion. I
    rejected step 0 (in this particular discussion) because substitution
    at the quantum level is impossible. But comp probably only needs
    classical digital substitution. In that case, one can go on and
    criticize the rest of the argument.

Yes but not by saying step 3 is invalid because you can't make copy at that level... because what you're saying is step 0 is false so step 3 is false... If you want to critic step N, you have to say it is false because it does not follow deductively step N-1... if not, then it was step N-1 you should have critized. So I've lost your point, what's your critic if you accept steps 0,1,2 against step 3 ?

The point I was making about step 3 was that if quantum level substitution was necessary, then deliberate copying was out. People then claimed that chance duplicates would do as well. I rejected this by point out that it violated step 3 where the duplication is explicitly deliberate, and known to the subject. Chance copies fail to fit these criteria.


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