On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 12:25:06PM +1000, Bruce Kellett wrote:
> meekerdb wrote:
> >
> >Same objection I had to the proposed playback of a recording.
> >There is no longer the causal link between the neurons firing, so
> >the mere succession of states doesn't constitute a computation nor
> >instantiate consciousness.
> Careful Brent! You are introducing a particular magic into the mix
> -- causality in your case. For Bruno, the magic is a particular type
> of computation. Both of these 'escapes' are essentially dualist
> explanations of consciousness.

Actually, these comments reminded me of a problem I had with the
Einstein brain made out of Chinese people example that we discussed a
few years back.

It has been assumed all along that replaying the recording is
physically identical to the original physical process that gave rise
to the recording. Actually, it is not. In the original case, the
physical states follow as the system follows physical dynamic law -
there is a causal relationship between states and their successors.

In the latter case, some additional machinery has been added in order
to interpret the recording, and rearrange the matter so that it
follows the original sequence of states. Take away this additional
machinery, and the sequence of states grinds to a halt, so one cannot
just eliminate it. Physically, this additional machinery changes
things quite a bit, so the application of physical supervenience is
actually invalid. I saw it with the Chinese Einstein brain, because
there was quite clearly this additional physical process involving
letters being dispatched from Beijing, but the formulation in the MGA
and Maudlin does obscure this aspect.


Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics      hpco...@hpcoders.com.au
University of New South Wales          http://www.hpcoders.com.au

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