> On 31 May 2015, at 9:03 am, LizR <lizj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 31 May 2015 at 03:24, Samiya Illias <samiyaill...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> God created humans

How do you know FFS? There are by now a few credible alternative scenarios. 
Why does G have to be the grandmother of every bloody thing? Can't someone or 
something else be responsible for humans other than God? Personally, I think G 
would be embarrassed to be associated with the likes of humans. 

If God created humans then he/she/it is certainly something of an 
underachiever. Just look at the world.

>> and knows everything about us and within us.

You are starting to make God sound almost as big as the NSA and Google. You 
have to come up to speed on this issue. God doesn't know as much as the NSA 
about you, Samiya. 

>> I'm sure there will be no injustice done to anybody. 

Ha hahaaaaaaa,, splutter, gurgle, cough, gasp

>> The analogies you give are between humans. We do not know our own selves: 
>> subconscious, composition details, thoughts, mind, etc. , let alone claiming 
>> to know another human.

So what is it, HUMAN, that you know about the doings and otherwise of those who 
are not, like yourself, human? You give yourself airs and graces. You are 
making all of this up as you go along. 

>> We cannot apply that reasoning to the One who created us, sustains us and is 
>> aware of everything manifest and hidden throughout the heavens and earth. 

You are starting to sound like His Eminence The Very Reverend Cardinal George 
Pell The Smell From Hell who finally has Pope Bergoglio cornered on the Horns 
of the Devil. You religious people have all had your brains hijacked by 
something truly evil that makes you think you know something about what no 
human can possibly know. You talk as though you have God in your hip pocket and 
you can pull him/her/it out and like a ventriloquist, put words in the mouth of 
the God sock puppet.

But they are your words, you mental midget. Nobody on this list gives a flying 
fuck about any Holy Book, their own or anyone else's. We eat Holy books on our 
cornflakes for breakfast. You can get at least ten minute's warmth out of a 
Qu'ran or a St James in the dead of winter.

> You are simply assuming the truth of what you have so far failed to 
> demonstrate. 

To say the bloody least....


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