> On 3 Jun 2015, at 1:44 pm, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> On 6/2/2015 8:35 PM, Samiya Illias wrote:
>> Let's try a different approach. Do you really think that everything just 
>> happened on its own and there is no creator behind it? If you do believe 
>> that there must be a creator, then try praying to your creator and implore 
>> faith and guidance. 
> There are a lot of other possibilities besides "just happened" and "a creator 
> to whom it would make sense to pray".
> Brent

In what sense does it ever "make sense" to pray to anything? The trouble with 
this thing called praying is that it is only ever done by those who have a 
penchant for the supernatural and probably love to imagine that someone is 
actually listening to their prayer. In this way, such an individual will tend 
to believe whatever appears to be the first kind of valid "response" from God. 
It's not like you enter into an argument or anything with God. If God tells you 
after listening to your prayers that it is OK to hump a goat, then you will 
tend to feel OK about it when doing it. Real thinking involves the ability to 
dispute your perceptions and beliefs and to be able to withhold judgement. It's 
interesting to note that God never argues with Man about what he wants either, 
but merely assists Man in all ways. Paul Davies could therefore be right: an 
unknown entity capable of energy manipulation might be authoring the whole 
charade. How the fuck would anyone know? To us, such an impious demonic entity 
(if that's what they are) would be deemed to be God. 

God has this tendency, as someone once observed, to align his/her/its wishes 
"for us"exactly on the same tram-lines of our already preset desires. God only 
ever wants for Man what Man already wants for himself anyway, so God is then a 
patsy for the Mafia or the Vatican or the Taliban or whoever has the guns to 
insist on getting their own way.

If God exists, I want this being to know that I will never pray to them, 
however powerful. This is because I could be mad or at the very least 
schizophrenic and possibly even homicidal and I probably don't need any further 
high-level authorization to go out and garrott somebody. As Bruno mentioned, 
this is what Ghengis-Kahn didn't do.


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