### W. Myrvold wrote something here 
http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/11654/ (see
              ch. 0.8)


    It seems that he is saying that 'action-at-a-distance' is something
    that would violate the 'no-signalling theorem' of quantum mechanics.
    So he sees experimental violation of the Bell inequalities as
    evidence for non-locality, but not necessarily evidence for
    action-at-a-distance in the above sense. I would agree with his
    conclusion that both collapse and Everettian theories are like this
    -- non-local, but also non-signalling at spacelike separations.




### Yes, It seems so. There is - in general - some confusion between 
'nonlocality' and 'nonseparability'. Not to mention also 'action-at-a-distance' 
and 'locality of measurement' and "local causality" and so on. Myrvold et al. 
wrote something else here 
(general objections to Everettism).
"Now it is precisely in cleaning up intuitive ideas for mathematics that one is 
likely to throw out the baby with the bathwater."
J.S. Bell (quoted here https://arxiv.org/pdf/1007.3724.pdf )

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