On 01 Jun 2017, at 19:38, Telmo Menezes wrote:

On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 12:43 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

On 31 May 2017, at 12:44, Telmo Menezes wrote:

Creating a new thread to avoid causing decoherence on the other one :)

What if the substitution level turns out to be at a higher level than quantum? E.g. at the level of the neurons and their connections and
activations levels?

That would enlarge the uncertainty spectrum on the realities we can
without losing anything subjective. It would help the doctor to build the
artificial brain. It could also make more difficult to justify the
of Planck constant, and to explain why the quantum seems more obviously
present in the micro-states, Decoherence would be easier to fight
and quantum computing would be more easy to be realized. This lakes me
that the quantum level is boundary of the substitution level.

This appears to be a testable hypothesis.

I know that Penrose proposed a theory on the quantum effects inside
neurons that turned ou to be problematic because of decoherence, but
of course that doesn't mean that quantum mechanics might not play a
much more holistic role in brain activity.

I remember a presentation perhaps a decade ago by a neuroscientist at
an artificial life conference, where she showed that neurons can
operate in a chaotic regime. In fact, she claimed at the time that we
did not have the computational power to accurately simulate a single
neuron. To me, this suggests that the activation of neurons might be
governed by much subtler phenomena than simple threshold effects.
Perhaps it is conceivable that small scale quantum effects could
propagate to the macro level of the brain.

On the other hand, it is also true that artificial neural network
models with just simple threshold neurons are already Turing complete,
provided that one allows for recurrence. This proves nothing, but
purely when worrying about neuroscince / artificial intelligence, I am a it weary of going for more complicated models when there is still so
much to explore in the simpler ones... I say this while completely
disregarding the hard problem. I have perhaps the unusual intuition
that intelligence and consciousness are quite different issues --

I share that intuition when intelligence is used in the sense of competence.

Ok. When I say intelligence I am thinking about systems that can
increase, with some degree of success, the future value of an utility
function. I came to believe that what people usually call intelligence
is something that is fundamentally linked to Darwinian dynamics.

In that case, consciousness, or conscience, might be at the antipode of
That feeling is strengthened when reading the news...

I agree. We became the apex predator on this planet, and so competent
in your sense of the word that we are effectively cancer. I believe we
have the potential to transcend biology, but at the moment it seems
that we are taking steps backwards. Society is becoming increasingly
insane. Perhaps it's just how it works, some steps back are
unavoidable. I share with you the ideia that prohibition is central to
the disease, and I think that it is no coincidence that its current
incarnation came out of fear of the hippies and their program -- in
our sick society, being anti-war and pro-love is the most subversive
stance that can be conceived.

I take the liberty of sharing a very short video showing a guy that
realised the fallacy of utility functions (perhaps with some chemical
help :)


although I doubt that it is possible to build a sophisticated AI that
is not conscious (or even a simple one, I don't know).

We have to distinguish Hameroff from Penrose. Hameroff believes/ assumes that the brain operates at the quantum level,. He assumes that it is a quantum computer. But a quantum computer does not violate the classical Church's thesis, and his hypothesis does not change the conclusion of Mechanism
(although it makes more complex the derivation of physics a priori).

I have to revisit OR and both Hameroff and Penrose on this. Apparently
there is now some evidence for mcrotubules being shielded from

Regarding the quantum computer, I understand that it is still a
classical computer,

I guess you mean that it does not violate Church thesis. Of course, it can "do" things impossible to do in real time, or without emulating the subject, that a classical computer cannot do. For example, it can generate a genuine random bit. To do emulate this with a non-quantum computer, you need to emulate the duplication of the observer, like in the WM duplication.

but with comp it would have consequences regarding
our "insertion" in reality, so to say. Correct?

I am not sure of what you mean exactly. It would not change the physics, but allow us to exploit more directly the FPI. I am completely agnostic on this, but I am not convince by the current argument that there are evidences that a brain could be a quantum computer. They might be right, but I wait for more evidences.

Elementary arithmetic is full of quantum computing machineries. I even suspect that the prime number distribution encodes a universal quantum
chaotic dovetailing,

Can you explain what you mean by chaotic dovetailing?

Have you heard about quantum chaos? Here I meant classical usual dovetailing on the classical emulation of quantum chaos. From the FPI, it can converge on "genuine" quantum chaos. There are some evidences, related to the Riemann hypothesis that the "spectrum" or he critical zero of zeta might correspond to some quantum chaoitic hamiltonian's eigenvalue. I read that a long time ago. If quantum chaos is Turing universal, it could even be quantum-Turing universal, and generate a quantum universal dovetailer. But that would not solve the mind-body problem. The machine-theological solution can work only if we can explain why the measure which would be associated to that particular quantum chaos win the arithmetical (classical, mechanist) FPI problem. The Rieman hypothesis would help but is far from sufficiant.

but even if that is true, that should not be used to
justify physics, because we would get the quanta, and not the qualia (unless
the Riemann hypothesis is shown undecidable in PA (and thus true!).

Only Penrose asks for an explicit non computable physical reduction of the
waves, with some role for gravity, and is authentically
non-computationalist. Penrose is coherent with computationalism. He keep physics as fundamental, but accept the price: the abandon of mechanism. But
his argument aganist mechanism is not valid, and already defeated by
machines like PA, ZF, etc.

You mean is maligned statement that the human brain is capable of
accessing truths that lie beyond the Gödelian veil?

I mean all Löbian machine are capable of accessing truths that lie to the Gödelian veil, and use this to refute Penrose. Already in 1931, Gödel realized that PA (or equivalently his own theory P) was proving its own Gödel's second incompleteness theorem, and is perfectly able to sort out his own undecidable proposition. Gödel's proof is constructive. It limits the formalism, but shows them how to improve themselves accordingly, leading to transfinite possible self- improvement. The machine can find its undecidable statement, and bet on them with the interrogation mark, or discuss them as mysteries (consciousness). Of course, they cannot prove them, nor even assert them as new axiom, but they can understand them, and use them, notably by becoming "mystical" and "religious", and distinguishing *their* science from *their* religion, in the scientific way, like they can develop the non-monotonical layers of mind on which Gödel's incompleteness will not apply: they need only to be able to say something like "Oops, I was wrong", which is the beginning of the manifestation of intelligence/doubt (already present in the Löb formula).





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