Cupcake, I am fairly well read, in anthropology as well... that's not the issue 
You don't grasp what the issue here really is, because your simpletons 
worldview is constrained to the tiny little fishbowl that your mind swims.. . 
around and around in.... going over and over, the same tedious little self 
referential circles. In your limited conception of life and living you're 
compelled to try to make me fit into the fishbowl sized bites which your 
deficient intellect has a capacity to digest.
Just because you survive on a meagerly poor diet of redneck fishfood does not 
mean that there can be no other tasty healthful cuisines in our world. Fishfood 
is not everything there is under the sun, cupcake.
  On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 11:30 AM, spudboy100 via Everything 
List<> wrote:   So basically you hate what I 
say, and thus, do the ad hominem boogie-which is Joe Leftist mentality to the 
max. I say this so we both get this stated precisely. As Patron Saint Homer 
Simpson might say, "Aw! Cupcakes!"  Keep on keep'in on as you like, because 
human nature is human nature-read anthropology sometime, because it's pretty 
damn explanatory, (or don't). 

-----Original Message-----
From: '' via Everything List 
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Tue, Jun 20, 2017 12:54 pm
Subject: Re: AI

The science of anthropology.... no less! 
Idiocy, such as the offal you serve warm is not somehow transformed into a 
wholesome diet by making a naked appeal to authority, such as you now attempt. 
Your stream of redneck babble, peppered here and there with sciency sounding 
sub phrases remains as distinctly unpleasant and nutritionally worthless as 
Cupcake, when your mind is a fish bowl the whole world must be an aquarium. I 
could point out that by living in this way you will never experience the 
rolling salt spray freedom of the sea, but then your mind is a fish bowl and in 
your pathetically constricted experience of living that translates me as 
being... (you can put your nasty label here)... on the "other" team.
Keep rolling out your dichotomous idiocy... and you will continue to be 
publicly dissected cupcake. 
 On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 1:35 AM, spudboy100 via Everything 
List<> wrote:  It's how the science of 
anthropology breaks it down. The people we side with, identify with, the flaws 
on our own teams that we ignore. It's all a part of being a primate, speaking 
of monkeys and their asses. Your dems will play things to the max, because, 
again, it's good for team spirit, and might just win them back to power. Having 
said this, the more my team exhibits passive behavior, the more the dem side 
will take it as a sign of weakness. Notice that we are way beneath public 
policy arguments. both Darwin and BF Skinner would have mapped all this out in 
a few seconds. This is the world that we must live in, and the tune we must all 
dance to. All I did was raise a single voice to the Don blather here started 
not by myself, and whole! We all do the invective boogie. Liberals do demand 
obedience vehemently, and go ape shit when others do not obey. Again, 

Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

-----Original Message-----
From: '' via Everything List 
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Tue, Jun 20, 2017 03:07 AM
Subject: Re: AI

Dude, what's it with you and "teams"... are you some kind of social insect... 
channeling the hive mind? My team, your team... cupcake, the fishbowl you call 
thinking is about as thoughtful as a monkey biting its ass.
 On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 11:46 PM, spudboy100 via Everything 
List<> wrote:  I dunno, I read quite a bit, and 
do read the main palp that is put forth by your Media. The truth, as such, is 
sometimes a moving target, if one applies cause and effect to problems As I see 
it now, there's nothing your party can offer anyone outside its ideology (which 
is increasingly extreme to the max) that would interest or benefit the rest of 
us. This is, and was, the Obama domestic legacy. Bernie is no better, as of 
today, and makes Obama look considerate, in comparison. If history teaches us 
anything, your team will go increasingly, violent, until they have a Kent State 
moment (I know a women who was a student there, and watched the shootings 
occur), and then back off actions and propaganda for a little while. Just 
saying, that passivity will probably not be in keeping with whatever your team 
leadership, or rank and file tries. I'm not a betting man, but...

-----Original Message-----
From: '' via Everything List 
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Tue, Jun 20, 2017 1:55 am
Subject: Re: AI

No worries, not interested in anything you could possibly be cooking up in that 
Redneck kitchen of yours. It's not the heat so much as the total lack of any 
nutritional value, in the gruel you mistake for food. 
 On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 10:24 PM, spudboy100 via Everything 
List<> wrote:  And all I did originally, was to 
respond the insertion, by yourself, of doing a jibe at Don, when blathering 
about AI. But its true what Harry Truman said, If you can't take the heat, get 
out of the kitchen. Understandable. 

-----Original Message-----
From: '' via Everything List 
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Tue, Jun 20, 2017 12:33 am
Subject: Re: AI

Cupcake... Life... is not some kind of team spectator sport. As I said before 
descending down into your particular stupid does not appeal nor does it rise to 
the level of being sport for me... rather it is more a dull tedium I engage in 
with you, driven by a vestigal remaining sense of my civic duty. You may just 
be a basement poser... an unimportant pawn... just another no nothing, as well 
as being, more than a bit of a bore!
But, we live in interesting times and in times such as these crazy can crawl 
out of the box the sane people of the world keep it in.... and then crazy shit 
does happen. Crazy is a box I'd personally rather see kept firmly shut. So when 
I see crazyness like yours, cross my inbox I'm going to pour ice all over your 
Redneck wet dreams cupcake.
End transmission.-Chris 
 On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 9:01 PM, spudboy100 via Everything 
List<> wrote:  Chris its your team, own it. No 
'rise' is necessary since we are dealing with facts. Dems are good with antifa, 
as foot soldiers, dems were so-so with the shooter. The tea baggers never 
killed anyone, and the Evergreen academics that populate all campuses now, do 
indulge in aggression, as long as the target is the rest of us. Things may cool 
down, but this is unlikely as the Party has dedicated itself toward coup de 
tat' as a policy. My question is how big will the back-reaction (optical 
physics term) from my side will be? If we're passive, your team wins, if we're 
belligerent, we win, again.  

-----Original Message-----
From: '' via Everything List 
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Mon, Jun 19, 2017 11:33 pm
Subject: Re: AI

Hold it right there, cupcake, you're not drawing me into the spin cycle of the 
particlar bubble of stupid you elect to inhabit. Those aren't my people, in 
precisely the same way and for the same reasons that you spudboy (whatever your 
name is)... an individual who appears to me to demostrate a border line 
personality, havig a fragile grasp on reality, who is luridly gun violence 
obsessed, and a questionably psychotc individual... yout too cupcake, are also 
not my people. I find the entire bunch of you unthinking idots, on the right or 
the left... unworthy of respect. I don't take you seriously, at all... least of 
all your quasi religious recital of violence prone Redneck fantasies.
You don't even get a rise out of me anymore cupcake... you are frankly speaking 
mundane, merely commonplace... a rather uninteresting Tea Party talking points 
You say... "Your people..."  and I am LMFAO 
I guess you can't help being stupid, you really shouldn't let it get you so 
worked up and angry though. It's not like getting angry like this makes you any 

 On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 7:43 PM, spudboy100 via Everything 
List<> wrote:  Chris, your shooter, last 
weekend, your antifa rioters, on every campus, your Berkeley, your Evergreen. 
Your team leads in violence and intolerance sweepstakes. But this is the 
chatter of keyboard conflict. Its not income inequality, nor, lack of skills 
but your team's hunger for the glories of a one party state, which incidentally 
are now wholly financed by your billionaires. All that aside I am guessing that 
when the ball drops on Don, we will erupt in a insurgency against your 
establishment. As Darwin said it, "A nature red in tooth and claw." Now 
assuming this passes as plausible, who do you think will win? Will your team be 
able to successfully suppress the narod,  the lumpen proletariat, whom your 
team wants to eliminate? Consider this a purely academic thought experiment. 

-----Original Message-----
From: '' via Everything List 
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Mon, Jun 19, 2017 10:17 pm
Subject: Re: AI

@spudboy IMO, you listen to way too much talk radio there cupcake. In order to 
get a firmer grip on reality may I kindly suggest that you widen the circle of 
places you habitually go to get your (opinion) news.I left this thread a few 
responses back, and skimming through your semi-literate stream of charged 
polemical and violence prone invective has served as an ample and clear 
confirmation of my original points. You are an angry man, that much is clear, 
possibly because you are a member of the newly marginilized cass of low 
education older white males. Instead of waiting for your Redneck uprising I 
think a more effective use of your time would be to pick up some actual 
marketable skill... you could of course, keep sitting in your basement cleaning 
your guns (does it make you feel like a man?) waiting for that glorious day 
when you and your ilk get to go on a glorious Redneck mass murder spree.
Time will pass you by.... as you wait for your promised day of glorious bloody 
Redneck vengeance, and in the end all that you'll gain is to grow stupid & old, 
encased in a self made tomb of your own assinine bitterness.
As your very own Donald would tweet...
Sad... so sad!
 On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 6:42 PM, spudboy100 via Everything 
List<> wrote:  Yah, the neat part is your thugs 
will force us into a team, as your leadership did before the last election, to 
their dismay. So the people the Dems hate, will respond in kind and en masse. 
Rule by the antifa party is now way to live, ya know? Venezuelan socialism may 
thrill your team, for the rest of us, we will likely do an insurgency thing 
against your Resistance, so it should be interesting.

Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

-----Original Message-----
From: Brent Meeker <>
To: spudboy100 via Everything List <>
Sent: Mon, Jun 19, 2017 09:32 PM
Subject: Re: AI

 On 6/19/2017 6:16 PM, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:
His ideas are stupid only because you filter reality with ideology. Causality 
goes out the window when it comes to liberal narratives, socialist thought, 
group Identity and loyalty. But this struggle isn't one of sweet reason, but 
rather, nature, red in tooth and claw. My question is can you contain our 
insurgency if and when Don gets impeached? 
 Are you going to join an insurgency against the U.S. government to prevent The 
Dump from being tried by the Senate/
Since its really come down to this, can your shooters match our (redneck) 
 Well, I was on the NROTC rifle team in Texas.  And I've gone 12 for 12 against 
Your guy last weekend was tolerable until he had to go against the capitol 
police. Nobody yet from our team has challenged your antifa crew, as yet. Let 
me me know.
 Maybe that's because you have no "team".

 Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Brent Meeker <>
 To: spudboy100 via Everything List <>
 Sent: Mon, Jun 19, 2017 08:26 PM
 Subject: Re: AI
 On 6/19/2017 4:58 PM, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:
It's not Don's brains, who has more than either of us, 
 Don's brains have more what?  Stupid ideas...I'd agree with that.
it's the opposition. You guys, the antifa (see spot riot, see spot shoot!). 
There was now an announcement at the U of Georgia socialists proclaiming that 
calls for beheading a republican. 
 Do you ever think of actually giving references.  I know it's troublesome to 
write actual facts.  But until you figure out how, put a spud in it.
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            • Re: AI John Clark
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  • Re: AI Telmo Menezes

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