On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 2:42 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

​>> ​
>> There is no reason to just imagine YOURself as the
>> ​ ​
>> W-guy, the M-guy will also be YOU.

​> ​
> Right.

​>> ​
>> And it is utterly ridiculous to claim something profound over the fact
>> that back in Helsinki nobody can tell which of the two will end up in which
>> city because back then THERE WERE NOT 2 PROPLE TO TELL, there was only one.

​> ​
> But he knows he will be duplicated,

​If "he" knows "he" will be duplicated and if "he" is not a idiot "he" will
know not to ask what one and only one city "he" will end up in after there
are 2 of "he" ​

​> ​
> and that in all his extensions, he will feel to be only one.

​Don't you just love those pronouns! Nothing does a better job at
 hiding sloppy thinking than personal pronouns with no referent.  ​

​>> ​
>> please name *THE* city it turned out to be!!!!!
> ​> ​
> You seem to believe that this is impossible.
> ​ ​
> Well, you are right. That is the person person indeterminacy.

​ ​
"person person indeterminacy" is a synonym for gibberish and the failure to
have a answer to "How many seesaw
​sea-slug ​
​ segmented​
?" is also a example of person person indeterminacy.

​> ​
> You made my point.

​You had a point?​

​> ​
> "W & M"? That is directly refuted by both copies.

​No it is not! The prediction was *NOT* about what W or M will see, the
prediction was about *what H will see*, so to determine if the prediction
was correct or not it will be necessary to interview everyone who remembers
being H and ask the resulting 2 men in 2 different cities 2 questions:

1) Do you consider yourself to be the man who was in H yesterday? If the
answer is no then it's all over and you're right and I'm wrong, but if the
answer is yes then go to the next question.

2) How many cities do you see?

It will then be necessary to add 1+1. If this computation can be
accomplished and if the answer is "2" then the prediction was correct.
​ ​
Another entirely
​ ​
different prediction was made that Mr. M will see M and Mr. W will see W,
and that prediction was also shown to be correct. I'm not saying any of
this is profound or that the quality of predictions or its lack has
anything to do with the sense of self, but it's your thought experiment not

> ​> ​
> Then tell me what the guy in Helsinki can expect as future experience.
> None?

​I don't know or care what the Helsinki guy expects because expectations of
the future have absolutely nothing ​to do with the continuity of the
feeling of self.

​> ​
> Then computationalism is false.

If the question "what one and
​ ​
​ ​
one city will I see
​ ​
when I am no longer one but have been duplicated and become two?" is not
idiotic then yes you are correct, computationalism would be false, the
statement "one is not equal to two"
 also be false. But my hunch is that
​ it's true,​
1 really isn't equal to 2.

​> ​
> Surely, the computationalist in Helsinki do expect living something,

I can't speak for him, for all I know he expects to be in
​ ​
lollipop land. All I can say is if it was me I'd expect to continue being a
​ ​
computationalist in Helsinki until I was no longer in Helsinki because to
be a
​ ​
computationalist in Helsinki
​ ​
I'm pretty sure it is necessary to be in Helsinki.  I would also expect
that soon there will be 2 people who remember being a computationalist in
Helsinki, however if that or any other prediction turned out to be untrue I
would still feel like me.

​> ​
> that confirms my point.

​You had a point?​

​> ​
> After the conclusion, the H-person has been duplicated, and both confirm
> that the prediction "W v M" was the best prediction

​How on earth can W or M be the best prediction, or any prediction at all, ​

​if even AFTER the conclusion of the experiment you STILL can't say if the
one and only one correct answer was W or if it was M?​ Forget the answer,
you can't even say exactly what the question was or who it was supposed to
be about.

 John K Clark

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