It's a dishonest obfuscation.  Of course you are constructing a model of reality.  So what?  Because the model building mechanism was evolved and can be fooled doesn't mean it's not a model OF reality.  When he looks at a tomato and thinks, "That's a tomato." it's a true thought, unlike say, "That's a watermelon."  So before going off into Deepak Chopra land, Hoffman needs to explain that.


On 9/26/2017 4:49 PM, David Nyman wrote:

I've encountered Hoffman's ideas before. What he has to say may strike you as somewhat obvious in the context of this list, but it's quite well articulated and his metaphors and analogies are quite memorable. Towards the end he says "Perhaps reality is some vast, interacting network of conscious agents, simple and complex, that cause each other's conscious experiences. Actually this isn't as crazy an idea as it seems and I'm currently exploring it."

First-person plural, anyone? Sounds like he could make some interesting contributions here.


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