On 9 October 2017 at 16:12, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> On 09 Oct 2017, at 15:29, David Nyman wrote:
> On 5 October 2017 at 16:06, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>> On 05 Oct 2017, at 16:02, David Nyman wrote:
>> On 5 October 2017 at 13:50, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>>> On 02 Oct 2017, at 15:07, David Nyman wrote:
>>> On 2 Oct 2017 1:58 p.m., "Bruno Marchal" <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>>> Dear Evgenii,
>>> On 28 Sep 2017, at 21:30, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:
>>> Long time ago you have discussed Maudlin's paper. At that time I somehow
>>> did not get interested. Yet, other day I have got strong feeling that I
>>> must read Maudlin's paper right now. I guess this could be explained by
>>> peculiarities of the universal dovetailer.
>>> Anyway, I have read Maudlin's paper, then I have read Hoffmanm's
>>> Sandman, and once more Maudlin's paper. I have enjoyed reading, the paper
>>> is nicely written. I guess I have understood the argument. Thank you.
>>> You are welcome. Don't hesitate to ask any further questions. There are
>>> slight differing nuances between the Movie Graph Argument (MGA) and
>>> Maudlin's argument. Also, I have found a way to cut the UDA at step 7
>>> More details please.
>>> Maudlin focuses on the counterfactual issue, which the MGA somehow
>>> avoids. Both argument shows the inadequacy of materialism and mechanism,
>>> but the MGA assumes that we have already a good idea of what a
>>> (mathematical) computation is, and that it is a special logical relation,
>>> not something in need of any physical assumption. Then Maudlin's analysis
>>> can be used to answer the "counterfactual objection", instead of reminding
>>> implicitly the logical nature of what is a computation. In the context of
>>> the UDA, the rôle of the MGA is only to show that the move in step 7
>>> consisting in assuming a small primary universe, is isomorphic to
>>> creationist last rebuttal when saying eventually that they agree with the
>>> evidences for evolution, but that God was needed to make that evolution
>>> possible. That was already clear with Peter Jones old objection to UDA that
>>> only a computation supported by primary matter  can be conscious. That is a
>>> sort of magic way of thinking, by rebutting a theory (experimentally
>>> testable) by invoking a god or a magic substance which a priori is not
>>> testable ... to avoid the search of an a posteriori test, given here by the
>>> theory.
>>> , or I could add a simpler step 8.
>>> And here.
>>> So, it is enough just to NEVER assumes a *primary* physical universe to
>>> start with, like I do. Then, we can avoid the MGA by explaining directly
>>> (in step 7) that the arithmetical reality implements all computations,
>>> which follows from what we can find in all textbook on theoretical computer
>>> science, like Davis chapter 4 (Turing machine self-applied). I am currently
>>> using that material to explain that very points to my students, so I might
>>> make a try to explain a bit here, to give the taste of it. The advantage of
>>> the Turing machine formalism, is that it is close to "physical computer",
>>> and yet simple enough to make the theory not too much hidden in technical
>>> details. I will think how to do that.
>> In effect then one argues as follows. Beginning with the assumption of
>> CTM, we can agree in principle that the existence of a computational
>> device, instantiated in a primary physical reality capable of computing
>> sufficient of the trace of the UD, would permit the UDA to go through. This
>> is the initial assumption of Step 7 of the UDA. Then any objection that
>> went to a presumed insufficiency of such a primary reality to implement
>> such a computer would be a merely contingent supposition of its 'actual'
>> non-existence. But the question of what is 'actual' with respect to the
>> theory is precisely what is being asked. So any such "Show me the computer"
>> type of objection begs that very question.
>> Absolutely.
>> This is really forced by the initial assumption of CTM, which puts any
>> theory relying on it in the position of justifying the appearance of any
>> possible physics, including physical computational devices, on the basis of
>> the existence of an arithmetical, not physical, basis of computation.
>> 'Arithmetic' here just stands for any theoretically irreducible and
>> sufficient basis for computation. The relevant sense of 'existence', as in
>> any fundamental theory, essentially equates to explanatory power. It would
>> of course be open to anyone to additionally assume the existence of a
>> putatively more 'explanatorily primitive' physical reality. But this could
>> only weaken the theory by arbitrarily invoking the 'preselection' of
>> undetectable mechanisms that then had no further explanatory role in what
>> followed. Hence this move should be abandoned in favour of greater
>> explanatory parsimony.
>> I think you see the point very well. It makes "primary or primitive
>> matter" exactly like "invisible horse". It adds something "invisible" and
>> gives to it magical abilities having virtually no sense in the frame of the
>> hypothesis.
> ​A small additional point. It strikes me that insistence on an ultimately
> 'physical' ​basis for computation is related to the intuitionist tendency
> in mathematics, i.e. the notion that mathematics is in fact secondary to
> certain primary relations between physical objects.
> The common naturalism, I would say? usually intuitionism in mathematics is
> seen as an an idealism, even a solipisme: it is: "the first person view
> *only*". (at the depend of the other).
> But I cut the air. I continue the distinction between Bp & p (S4grz, the
> soul, the first person singular) and Bp & Dt & p (the feeler, sensible
> matter).
> If so, computation in this view would similarly have to be seen as
> deriving from, or more simply *being*, such relations between
> particularised physical objects contrived for the purpose.
> What would that mean? We can define computation assuming elementary
> arithmetic. To define computation in physics, without using a subsystem of
> physics provably equivalent to the universal number/machine (the
> arithmetical notion) I am not sure the idea of defining computation in
> physical sense makes sense. You might say, with David Deutsch,  "unitary
> transformation", but that will only mean "computation" for the reason that
> you will prove that a function from N to N is computable iff it can be
> coded in that "programming" language, actually implemented also by
> arithmetic. It is selecting one universal number among all the other.
> When actually with mechanism we must justify the "physical universal
> number" (the Gödel number of a first order specification of unitary
> transformation theory) from the sum on all computations.
> Trouble is, were that to be the case, the same arguments thus used to
> dismiss any 'existence', independent of physics, for computation would also
> dispose of any analogous existence for consciousness as its presumed
> consequence.
> Yes? Arguably so when keeping the mechanist assumption in the mind. To
> remain consistent here, it is important at some point to see that if true,
> the Mechanist hypothesis cannot be claimed to be true. The most we can get
> is a first person confirmation, but it proves nothing (even to oneself as
> the anosognosia illustrates).
> IOW, if computation need be considered nothing more or less than the
> implied relations between certain physical objects then consciousness may
> be conceived in exactly the same way. But then we would be left with a bare
> identity theory: physical relations=consciousness, with no elementary
> connection to computation per se.
> It is the belief that one universal machine won against all the other.
> With mechanism, we have the fight between a finite number of universal
> machine (from the colleagues to some bacteria ...) above our substitution
> level, and infinitely many universal numbers below our substitution level
> (the results of the global FPI on the infinitely many relative
> computations).
> The chance is that this is structred by the logic of self-reference.
> Also since 'existence' here essentially equates, as I remarked, to
> explanatory power, what will have occurred, on the foregoing assumptions,
> is the withdrawal of any such power from either computation or
> consciousness not already attributable to a primitively physical causality.
> That could have made sense, but by assuming the digitalness mechanism (and
> most of its weakening with oracle) just made the invocation of the physical
> like an invalid use of an ontological commitment to avoid a problem.
> If the physical play a role, it needs some magic ability to make
> consciousness, if consciousness is not in the trueness of the relation
> defining this or that computation. mechanism makes it into an inoperative
> god or a selector of computation, ignoring the first person indexical
> selection.
> Since explanatory entities should not needlessly be proliferated, the
> assumption of primitive physicality should equally entail the dismissal of
> such supernumerary hypotheses. AFAICS this is what Dennett, obfuscatory
> language apart, actually seeks to do. Trouble is, these 'supernumerary'
> hypotheses subsume the entire spectrum of phenomenal reality, or what we
> are pleased to call the ('actual') world. Ah well, so much the worse for
> something.
> It cannot work. This avoids (implicitly) the measure problem. With
> mechanism, the "hard problem of consciousness" is more easy: it is solved
> or meta-solved by the proof that any machine which observe itself is led to
> an undoubtable & non-rationally-justifiable truth (not necessarily having a
> unique form/content). But the "matter" problem becomes harder, as we can no
> more point to one big universal number (the physical world)  and invoke it,
> we have to justify it by computing the relative sum on all histories which
> brought our relative states.
> Dennett seems to take Matter for granted, and then explain Consciousness
> away. He is inconsistent, like all people believing in weak materialism and
> mechanism. That works locally, but makes no sense in the possible "big
> picture".
> Note that "primary matter" is never assumed in physics. It is an
> assumption in metaphysics/theology.

​I'm not sure that I can wholly agree with you about this. Or rather I
agree that it's a metaphysical or theological assumption but it's
nevertheless one that is probably assumed, even if unreflectively, as a
physical one by many practitioners. For me, 'primary' implies the
assumption of irreducibility in terms of the relevant theory. I suspect
that most physicists - Deutsch for one with the notion of 'computable' as
ultimately coterminous with physically-transformable - ​consider physics to
be in a rather strong sense the 'rock bottom' of reality, not further
reducible to something 'not-yet-physical'. Krauss comes to mind as someone
who proposes physical law as the ultimate 'reason' there is something
rather than nothing. Tegmark may be an exception, albeit a
not-always-consistent one.


> Bruno
> David
>> To be sure, this assumes Mechanism, in some strong sense. When the
>> argument is translated in mathematics, we get a more constructive view of
>> what physics can be (the logic of Bp & Dt (& p) with p semi-computable
>> (sigma_1, partial computable), and that can be tested. And if the test
>> violates the logic Bp & Dt  (& p), it would mean that we have the following
>> disjunction:
>> CTM is refuted OR we are in a malevolent simulation OR there is some
>> magic at play.
>> Then, what the MGA shows, is that the third disjunct is basically an
>> element of the first or second disjunct. It is not really necessary, except
>> for those who don't know really what is a computation and like to cut the
>> air. This makes also Maudlin's contribution more interesting, because it
>> relates the difficulty of defining what is a physical instantiation of a
>> computation. But with CTM, it is the whole "physical" idea which can no
>> more be instantiated by any computation or even non-computation: it really
>> becomes a view from inside arithmetic.
>> Note that in the original long text in french (Conscience & Mécanisme)
>> the UDA and the MGA were used only to motivate the "& Dt" addition to Bp,
>> to get a probability notion. When Brent asks us to take the environment
>> into account, he is using a similar intuition. The logic G fails on
>> knowledge, because it lacks Bp -> p, and it fails on "probability" because
>> it lacks Bp -> Dp. Adding Dt avoids the cul-de-sac world/state, and
>> provides sense to the idea of betting on alternative results possible.
>> Bruno
>> David
>>> Bruno
>>> David
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Bruno
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Evgenii
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