On Friday, April 20, 2018 at 7:00:25 AM UTC-5, Bruce wrote:
> From: <agrays...@gmail.com <javascript:>>
> *Does entanglement -- which occurs whenever two systems interact -- imply 
> non-locality? AG*
> Not necessarily. If there is a common cause explanation of the 
> correlation, as in classical physics where particles always have definite 
> momenta, then there is no need for a non-local explanation. However, in 
> quantum systems such as the singlet state of entangled spinors, then no 
> common cause or hidden variable explanation is available and we have 
> non-locality.
> Actually a similar thing happens in any collision between two quantum 
> particles. If we assume an elastic collision, the outgoing particles will 
> be in the form of outgoing spherical waves -- neither the individual 
> momenta or directions are specified by the collision itself. So observing 
> the direction and/or momentum of one particle determines the direction and 
> momentum of the other remote particle. There is no common cause or hidden 
> variable explanation available for this, especially if the observations are 
> at space-like separations. However, as far as I know there are no Bell-like 
> inequalities that are violated by the statistics in this case, so the 
> non-locality is not always obvious. Interestingly, this forms the basis for 
> an important measurement tool at high energy accelerators. Often the output 
> from experiments will be in the form of a missing mass plot, which is 
> constructed by summing the momenta of the observed particles and 
> determining what is missing. This can then be the basis of a search for 
> undetectable or new particles.
> Bruce

There is an open question about this. The role of interactions is not 
entirely clear. For instance, if we have a proton on proton collision that 
produces as Z particle, the decay products of the Z, ultimately for 
instance it might be a pair of photons, are entangled. The role of 
interactions and the relationship between gauge symmetries and the quotient 
group structure of entanglements is an interesting topic.

It does have to be pointed out that in QFT with equal time commutators of 
operators on spatial surfaces the nonlocality of QM is swept under the rug. 
Since these nonlocal physics will only be apparent over a tiny distance 
compared to the scale of the detector this loss is not considered terrible. 
This eliminates nonlocality as some confusion with causal propagation, 
which BTW happens with the Bohm relativistic QM. 


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