On 5/2/2018 4:48 AM, agrayson2...@gmail.com wrote:

On Monday, April 30, 2018 at 3:33:23 AM UTC, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:

    Implied by standard QM insofar as the theory is inherently
    irreversible, that is, irreversible in principle at the quantum
    level since the wf cannot be recovered by time reversal. AG

I argued this conclusion on the Entanglement thread. Here I will add some additional considerations. When you think of time reversibility, say for an electron being measured by SG device, you naturally think of passing the measured electron backward along the same path, trying to recover the original wf by running time backward. Of course you can't run time backward during or even after a measurement because QM doesn't provide any time dependent equations for the measurement process. But even if you could do the thought experiment, according to QM, if the measurement was, say, spin UP, it remains spin UP by virtue of the measurement postulates of QM. Further, This MUST be the backward in time measurement result if you simply accept time symmetry, and not appeal to the measurement postulates of QM. Thus, it seems highly plausible that the original wf, a superposition, cannot be recovered after the measurement, and that QM is a time IRREVERSIBLE theory. AG

In MWI the is both a spin UP and a spin DOWN, as projections on orthogonal subspaces.  The theory is mathematically reversible in the sense that if you reversed the evolution of the state vector it would reverse the projection in both subspaces.


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