> On 19 Aug 2018, at 13:36, Bruce Kellett <bhkell...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> From: Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be <mailto:marc...@ulb.ac.be>>
>>> On 19 Aug 2018, at 09:36, Bruce Kellett <bhkell...@optusnet.com.au 
>>> <mailto:bhkell...@optusnet.com.au>> wrote:
>>> From: Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be <mailto:marc...@ulb.ac.be>>
>>> You do seem to have got yourself into a bit of a tangle, Bruno.
>>>> What I still do not understand in your view is how can you interpret
>>>> |psi> = (|u>|d> - |d>|u>)/sqrt(2)
>>>> as a unique superposition. It seems to me you can do that because Alice 
>>>> and Bob have prepared that state, but that state represents also another 
>>>> superposition, like |psi> = (|u'>|d'> - |d'>|u'>)/sqrt(2). Why would |psi> 
>>>> denotes a superposition of |u>|d> and  |d>|u> and not |u'>|d'> and  
>>>> |d'>|u’>. It seems to me that you choose a particular base, when Everett 
>>>> makes clear that this would lead to nonsense. The physical state represent 
>>>> by |psi> must be the same whatever base is chosen.
>>> Of course. When Have I ever said otherwise? Let me spell it out for you. 
>>> The basis vectors |u> and |d> are just examples -- place holders if you 
>>> like -- for whatever basis vectors are most convenient for your purposes. 
>>> Given the expression in terms of |u> and |d>, we can always rotate to 
>>> another basis by applying the formulae for the rotation of spinors that I 
>>> gave in my paper:
>>>     |u> =  cos(theta/2)|u'> + sin(theta/2)|d'>,
>>>     |d> = -sin(theta/2)|u'> + cos(theta/2)|d'>.
>>> Substitute these expressions in the above, and you will get the state in 
>>> terms of the rotated spinors:
>>>    psi = (|u>|d> - |d>|u>)/sqrt(2) = (|u'>|d'> - |d'>|u'>)/sqrt(2).
>>> That is what is meant by rotational symmetry, and that is all there is to 
>>> it. Nothing could be simpler.
>> No problem with this.
> Maybe you just need to apply this insight a little more carefully.
>>>> That leads to considering that psi describes not one superposition, but 
>>>> many superposition. That get worse with GHZ and n-particles state, and 
>>>> that is why I have often (in this list or on the FOR list of Deutsch) 
>>>> explained why the multiverse is a multi-multi-multi-… multi-verse. I don’t 
>>>> insist too much because  more careful analysis would require a quantum 
>>>> theory of space-time, and the Everett theory will certainly needs some 
>>>> improvement.
>>> |psi> does not describe just one superposition
>> Good. That is the key point.
> You jump in too quickly with your typical misunderstanding. Read the rest of 
> the sentence/paragraph before you jump to conclusions.
>>> -- by rotation the spinors we can go to any basis whatsoever. You certainly 
>>> do not get many superpositions, one for each possible basis. Let me spell 
>>> out in detail how superpositions arise in Everettian quantum mechanics. You 
>>> start with a state |psi>, which is just a vector in the appropriate Hilbert 
>>> space. The Hilbert space is spanned by a complete set of orthonormal 
>>> eigenvectors for each operator in that space. Again, the basis is not 
>>> unique, so we can perform an arbitrary rotation in the Hilbert space to any 
>>> other set of vectors that span the space. But this is rather beside the 
>>> point, because we usually choose a basis because it is useful, not just 
>>> because it is possible. (This relates to the preferred basis problem, which 
>>> I prefer not to got into at the moment.)
>> Yes. My feeling is that you do introduce some preferred base.
> Yes, your feelings are very much at fault here. If you thought a bit rather 
> than go with feelings, we might be better off. I do not introduce a preferred 
> basis. Where do you think I do that? You argue against a straw man, as usual. 
> A typical base is not a preferred base.

What is a typical base?

>>> Given a basis, the state |psi> can be expanded in terms of these basis 
>>> vectors:
>>>     |psi> = Sum_i c_i |a_i>,
>>> where we the basis we have chosen is the set of eigenvectors for some 
>>> operator A and labelled them by the corresponding eigenvalues.  This 
>>> expansion is the basis of the superposition, and of the formation of 
>>> relative states (or parallel universes, or the many worlds of Everett.) We 
>>> operate on the vector |psi> with the operator A, which gives
>>>    A|psi> = A(Sum_i c_i|a_i>) = Sum_i c_i a_i |a_i>
>>> where |c_i|^2 is the probability that we will be in the state relative to 
>>> the observed eigenvalue, a_i. We could continue the operation of the 
>>> Schrödinger equation to include the apparatus for operator A, the observer, 
>>> and the rest of the environment, but you should be able to do this for 
>>> yourself.
>>> The point is that this is the only way in which superpositions can be 
>>> formed, and from those superpositions, the many worlds or relative states 
>>> of Everett develop by normal Schrödinger evolution. But you do not have 
>>> such a superposition for the different possible orientations of 
>>> eigenvectors for the singlet state.
>> ? (That seems to contradict what you just show above).
> You deliberately misunderstand me. There is no grand superposition of 
> possibles bases.

Of course. It is just that some superposition can be seen as different other 
superposition. That is the case of the singlet state. If you don’t pick a base 
(be it typical or preferred) that does not make sense (to me).

> Choose a base, then you can express a superposition. That is all there is to 
> it. Only one superposition for the chosen (typical) basis.

OK. But if it is not a preferred base, then how do you interpret the 
superposition in the singlet state, without giving some special role to some 

>>> Nor do you have an operator in some Hilbert space that picks out the angle 
>>> in which a measurement is to be made.
>> That is correct, but if Alice can choose her spin direction, a choice is 
>> made on the way to partition the multiverse, or better the multi-multiverse.
> But there is no multiverse to partition unless there is a superposition of 
> these separate universes that make up the multiverse.

There is a superposition which can be seen as different superposition, and 
Alice’s choice’s consequence relies to this. 

> But there is no such superposition. You have just made it up.
>>> So the "many superpositions" that you posit are entirely arbitrary, pulled 
>>> out of the air without any justification.
>> If she measure u, Bob get d. But is she measure u’, Bob get d’ (with 
>> certainly, if they have decided to measure in the same base u’d’ before). To 
>> account for that, obviously maintaining locality,  we must  take into 
>> account the initial uncertainty, due to psi = (|u>|d> - |d>|u>)/sqrt(2) = 
>> (|u'>|d'> - |d'>|u'>)/sqrt(2).
> You cannot assume locality when locality is the issue in question.

Why? I can do that if the goal is to show that we can interpret Everett without 
FTL influence. That is what logician does all the time. 
But you agree on this and then change your mind. My point was only that there 
is no instantaneous action at a distance, like John Clark said. 

> If the measurements are in the same direction, then Bob's direction must 
> rotate with Alice's. There is no prior partitioning of anything. There is no 
> uncertainty due to rotational symmetry. That symmetry is broken by the choice 
> of measurement direction.

How could a choice broken anything?

> And that is a choice, not the result of a measurement that locates the 
> observer in some branch of a superposition, because there is no relevant 
> superposition.

I remain unclear how you interpret the singlet state in the MW theory. At least 
you seem to see that your interpretation brings back FTL. 

>>> They clearly do not form any part of standard quantum mechanics, because 
>>> the account of superpositions and Schrödinger evolution to many worlds that 
>>> I have given above is the only way in which these can be formed in quantum 
>>> mechanics.
>>>> It is also why I prefer to describe the “many-worlds” as a many relative 
>>>> states, (or even many histories), and you are right, they are not all 
>>>> reflecting simply the superpositions, but different partitions of the 
>>>> multiverse.
> You just made this up. It is not part of quantum mechanics. 

I explained this many years ago on the FOR list. It might be non standard, 
which would explain why so many people believe in FTL influence brought by QM. 
It does not make sense to me. The notion of world which is used seem too much 
naive to me. 

>>>> When Alice choses a direction for measuring her particle’s spin, she 
>>>> choose the partition, and enforced “her” Bob, that is the Bob she can meet 
>>>> in the future, to belong to that partition, wth the corresponding spin. 
>>>> But she could have used another direction, and they both would be 
>>>> described (before the measurement), by a different (locally) 
>>>> superposition, despite it describing the same state.
> That is nonsense, because it does not correspond to anything that can be 
> derived from the Schrödinger equation acting on a state vector in Hilbert 
> space.

Then, Alice’s choice is over-determined, or there are FTL. Special relativity 
is wrong, or the psi function has no more relation with the physical reality, 
which becomes a non sensical term.

>>> That is where you are completely wrong. This is not how the singlet state 
>>> is treated in quantum mechanics.
>> Everett is still ambiguous. I argue this is the way to get the closer to 
>> Everett local relative state theory. Unfortunately Everett is quick, even in 
>> his long text, on the EPR-Bell issue.
> So you know better that Everett did, or any other advocates of many worlds 
> theory do? It seems from what you say that Everett didn't really get to grips 
> with the entangled state. He eliminated collapse for simple states, but the 
> entangled state defeated him. That is not surprise -- it has defeated many. 
> Because you can't eliminate the collapse of a non-separable state occasioned 
> by interaction with any part of that state.

That makes the SWE wrong. You need a physical FTL collapse, to select relative 
state on others.

>>> Alice could measure the same state in a different direction simply by 
>>> rotating her basis to the new angle at which her magnet is set. Nothing 
>>> mysterious, no waving of your magical Everettian wand to produce more 
>>> superpositions from thin air.
>> Those superpositions exist, as you show it yourself.
> They do not pre-exist.

Then Alice has no more choice.

> There is a difference between the superposition of the rotated state and 
> rotating into a pre-existing superposition. Your error is in thinking, 
> without any justification, that these superpositions all exist before Alice 
> chooses her measurement direction. That is just nonsense.

If ud - du exists, u’d - d’u’ exists too, as they are the same physical state. 
It is weird, but the fact that Alice can choose between u and u’, and still get 
only two results possible enforces this. 

>>>> (You were right that it is different from the position of the electron in 
>>>> the orbital).
>>>> So if you can clarify your view of the MW-description of the equality 
>>>> between (|u>|d> - |d>|u>)/sqrt(2) and (|u'>|d'> - |d'>|u'>)/sqrt(2), it 
>>>> could be helpful.
>>> Done above.
>> I don’t see it. I see two different superposition, describing the same 
>> unique psi state, but describing different relative state according to 
>> Alice’s choice.
> But these do not exist until Alice makes her choice.
>> The two different superposition are supposed to give exactly the same 
>> prediction, but this entails (by locality, I agree) that Alice and Bob are 
>> indetermined on the many correlated worlds right at the start.
> You cannot assume locality as part of your argument when locality is the 
> issue in question. The rest of your comment here is wrong.
>>>> It seems to me that the “many-worlds” are not dependent of the choice of 
>>>> the base |u>,|d>  or |u'>,|d’>. I mean, unlike Deustch (initially) and 
>>>> some many-worlders, the whole multiverse has to be the same physical 
>>>> object whatever base we are using.
>>> Sure, physics has to be independent of the base. But that does not mean 
>>> that some bases are not more useful that others.
>> Locally yes, but that should not change the basic ontology which has to be 
>> base independent.
> Where has it been claimed otherwise?
>>> Or that one cannot pick out a typical basis vector, or branch of the wave 
>>> superposition, to argue that anything proved in that branch, and does not 
>>> depend on the particular branch chosen, must apply equally to every branch, 
>>> and so to the superposition as a whole. This is the basis of my proof that 
>>> quantum mechanics is non-local,
>> Yes. I begin to see that you do accept in the MWI some FTL influence (as 
>> opposed to FTL information transfer). 
> Forget FTL. You are obsessed with FTL.

It is the subject of the discussion. We both agree that, even with collapse, 
there is no transfer of information possible. But without MW, there is still 
transfer of influence.

> The non-local influence occasioned by interacting with a non-separable state 
> may be instantaneous, but that means FTL only on some models of space-time. 
> You might have heard of the EPR = ER conjecture. That is the idea that the 
> entangled particles are linked by a worm hole (ER = Einstein-Rosen bridge), 
> so that space is bypassed in the instantaneous interaction.

Ah, you see. But where and what would be those bridge in Aspect experiment. EPR 
= ER seems far stretched to me, and I bypasses the difficulty of the MW for 
singlet state and alike.

> There might be other models of space in which the instantaneous connection 
> does not involve any FTL communication. For example, the Relativistic Flashy 
> GRW model introduced by Tumulka and supported by Maudlin in the 3rd edition 
> of his book: "The essential new feature is that if our pair of particles 
> starts off in an entangled state, like the singlet state, then the collapse 
> of the wave-function associated with a flash on one particle can change the 
> probability distribution for the location of flashes of the other particle, 
> even if it happens to be at space-like separation. So a pair of entangled 
> "particles" in flashy relativistic GRW can exhibit behaviour that violates 
> Bell's inequality for experiments at space-like separation, even though the 
> theory only makes use of the relativistic space-time structure in specifying 
> its dynamics." (p.246f)

OK. But this amounts to say that QM is not the correct theory. Not sure that 
GRW helps.

> Your horizons are too limited, Bruno.
>>> even in the many-worlds interpretation. Bell's theorem proves non-locality 
>>> in a typical branch.
>> The violation of Bell’s inequality proves this, indeed. But with the 
>> many-world, you need to favour some base to get the FTL influence.
> No, you might need some particular model of space-time structure, but that is 
> a different thing.

I agree.

>>> That non-locality does not depend on the eigenvalue measured in that branch 
>>> (in other words, the proof is branch-independent), so non-locality is 
>>> proved for the singlet state as a whole. And since for the singlet state, 
>>> for the universal wave function as a whole.
>> OK. But the FTL influence associated to non-locality is based on the choice 
>> of some base.
> No, it is base-independent because it is branch-independent and applies to 
> the wave function as a whole. It might depend on other things, but it does 
> not depend on the choice of basis vectors.

Alice's, and Bob’s prediction will then depend on Alice’s choice. It means that 
a superposition of tensor products is only a first person plural product, 
leading to the “many-minds” or “many-dreams” interpretation of the wave. (Of 
course I welcome this because I found this from independent assumption in the 
cognitive science). It is weird, but Imo, less weird than 3p indeterminacy and 
3p FTL influence.


> Bruce
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