From: *Bruno Marchal* < <>>
On 21 Aug 2018, at 02:20, Bruce Kellett < <>> wrote:

From: *Bruno Marchal* < <>>
On 20 Aug 2018, at 13:18, Bruce Kellett < <>> wrote:

You didn't respond to my earlier post in which I discussed the symmetry breaking occasioned by Alice's measurement interaction with the singlet state. I copy the relevant parts of my earlier post here:

"The fact that Alice's interaction with the state is unitary and can be reversed does not mean that the original symmetry still exists in some sense. If I place a large weight at some point on the circumference of a bicycle wheel, the rotational symmetry of that wheel is lost. The fact that I can reverse the process by removing the imposed weight does not mean that the altered wheel is still rotationally symmetric in some wider view.”

OK, but when the heavy object is removed, at that moment, the symmetry is back. Then, when Alice makes the measurement, the symmetry is lost from her point of view, but the general symmetry of the state has not changed. It is only not retrievable by Alice (unless quantum erasure, amnesia, etc.).

Bruno, you have not made the least effort to understand the point I made above,

Stop speculating on people.

I am merely responding to what you wrote. No speculation involved.

or to respond to it intelligently.

Sop making judgement.

There has been no intelligent response. No judgement involved.

It is difficult to believe that you are actually discussing this in good faith. You just keep repeating your own misunderstandings of the situation.

This is discussed since the beginning of QM. Stop talking like if only you understand Everett.

Well, it does not appear as though you do either. You keep adding in infinities of observers that are not part of Everett's formulation of QM.

The measurement that Alice makes destroys the symmetry. That is all there is to it. There is not some wider symmetry that is preserved.

That is Bohr theory. Not Everett. A measurement does not change anything in the big picture. It collapses wave and destroys symmetries only in the relative first person mind associated to bodies doing the experience.

It is not Bohr's theory, it is quantum mechanics. You appear to believe that symmetry cannot be destroyed, even though I have given clear examples where this happens. The symmetry is destroyed totally, not just in the mind of the experimenter. If the symmetry is still preserved in some bigger picture, it is up to you to prove this. But you have not been able to do so. It is just an assertion on your part. And that assertion happens to be false.

What you have to do is to work through the application of the Schrödinger equation for this situation, without invoking any collapse, and demonstrate that the symmetry is still present in the total wave function. I contend that you will not be able to do this, because the interaction with the singlet state destroys the rotational symmetry. This is really a trivial observation since the Stern-Gerlach magnet itself is not rotationally symmetric.


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