> On 10 Sep 2018, at 13:06, Telmo Menezes <te...@telmomenezes.com> wrote:
> Thanks Bruno!

Thanks *you*.

> Following so far with not problems.


I hope the others understand too. It is simple conceptually, compared to the 
amount of math you need to do to understand Quantum Mechanics. 
For the combinators, everything is reduced to simple substitution rules, then 
the rest follows quickly, if we take the time to get familiar with the notation.

Unfortunately, some people do not understand that kind of mathematics ONLY 
because they imagine it is difficult, and this only because they never read the 
definitions with the minimal attention needed. 

Now, of course, if there is a problem in Combinator 4 (Recursion) that I posted 
yesterday, just ask, but I guess you will grasp it without any problem. It is 
slightly more complex, because it is not at all obvious that it even make sense 
of all recursive equation having a solution. It can be related to the Gödel 
“miracle”: the closure of the partial computable functions for diagonalization.

Soon, the Numbers.

All the best,


> On 5 September 2018 at 19:41, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>> Hi Jason, Telmo, Brent, others,
>> Some of you might say “OK, combinators combine, and now we know that the
>> combination of S and K, that is, the combinators, can do all combination”.
>> The last post did prove the so-called combinatorial completeness.
>> But that might still seem far from Turing universality.
>> The post of today will make a simple step in that direction.
>> I propose to implement elementary logic with the combinators. I expose a
>> solution due to Barendrecht, which is extraordinarily elegant. It is also
>> the one used by Smullyan in “To Mock a Mocking Bird”.
>> I will first implement the control structure:
>>       if A then B else C
>> As you can guess this is a pretty important step toward Turing Universality.
>> A is supposed to be some “propositional combinators”, being true or false,
>> on some argument(s) or not, and we want that if A is true, then the
>> combinators B is trigged, and if A is false, then the combinator C should be
>> trigged.
>> For this we need some representation of the constant Boolean TRUE and FALSE.
>> Barendrecht defined the constant TRUE by K. And he defined the constant
>> false by KI. (I is of course the identity combinator, i.e. SKK). I will use
>> t and f as usual for those boolean constants.
>> So we define:
>> t = K
>> and
>> f = KI
>> Now, the implementation of
>>       if A then B else C
>> Is simply
>>      ABC
>> Indeed, if A is true, A = t = K, and KBC = B, and if A is false, A = f = KI,
>> then ABC = fBC = KIBC = C.
>> (KIxy = (KIx)y = Iy = y)
>> OK?
>> Bold Summary: By choosing t = K, and f = KI, “if A then B else C” becomes
>> ABC.
>> This will be exploited later for programming, but right now, we can use this
>> to implement elementary propositional logic.
>> I will use minuscule for those logical combinators
>> 1) conjunction: c    ("x and y” is written cxy)
>> We want a combinator c such that cxy = t if both x and y are equal to t, and
>> false in all other situations.
>> But cxy, the conjunction of x and y, is really the same as "If x then y else
>> f".
>> Indeed, if x is false, “x & y” is false, and if x is true, “x & y” is given
>> by the truth value of y.
>> So:  cxy = 'if x then y else f' = xyf (cf the bold summary above), and c =
>> [x][y] xyf, but that is Rfxy where R is the Robin (one of the combinator
>> which does a circular permutation, that we have seen previously):
>> Rxyz = yzx. Conclusion c = Rf.
>> <<Remark.
>> To be sure we have seen that R = CC and that
>> C = S(BBS)(KK),  (note the difference between c and C)
>> R = CC =  S(BBS)(KK)(S(BBS)(KK)) but there are still B there, which we
>> replace by its SK-implementation S(KS)K:
>> R = S(S(KS)K(S(KS)K)S)(KK)(S(S(KS)K(S(KS)K)S)(KK))
>> So the combinator c is Rf which is R(KI), and that gives, with I = SKK,
>> c =  S(S(KS)K(S(KS)K)S)(KK)(S(S(KS)K(S(KS)K)S)(KK))(K(SKK))
>> But I will write it simply c = Vf. I just wanted you to remember that c is
>> truly a combinator, i.e.. a combination of K and S.>>
>> Does it work? It should. No need to verify this with the long expression, as
>> we have already verified that Vxyz = zxy, etc. We can test directly the
>> truth table:
>> ctt = Rftt = ttf = Ktf = t
>> ctf = Rftf = tff = Kff = f
>> cft = Rfft = ftf = KItf = f
>> cff = Rfff = fff = KIff = f
>> It works!
>> 2) Disjunction:  d
>> dxy = if x then t else y  (OK?)
>> So dxy = xty. So d = [x][y]xty = Tty (with Txy = yx): Ttxy = xty indeed.
>> So d = Tt
>> Does it work? Let us verify:
>> dtt = Tttt = ttt = Ktt = t
>> dtf = Tttf = ttf = Ktf = t
>> dft = Ttft = ftt = (KI)tt = t
>> dff = Ttff = ftf = (KI)tf = f
>> It works!
>> 3) implication: i
>> ixy should be false only if x is t and y is f, if you remember its truth
>> table. ixy is basically the (negation of x) or y.
>> So ixy = if x then y else t.   OK? So ixy = xyt, and i = [x][y]xyt, and that
>> gives i = Rt.
>> Vérification:
>> itt = Rttt = ttt = Ktt = t
>> itf = Rttf = tft = Kft = f
>> ift = Rtft = ftt = KItt = t
>> iff = Rtff = fft = KIft = t
>> It works!
>> 4) Negation : N (I use “N” instead of “n", as “n” is so much used for
>> numbers …, who will soon appear)
>> We know that (Not x) is the same as (x -> f), so Nx = ixf, and N =[x]ixf
>> would do, but we can find it again directly by the fact that
>> (Not x) = if x then f else t.   OK?
>> So Nx = xft, and N = [x]xft, which gives N = Vft, with V being the Vireo,
>> the other circular permuter combinator: Vxyz = zxy.
>> Vérification:
>> (Not t) = Vftt = tft = Kft = f.
>> (Not f) = Vftf = fft = (KI)ft = t.
>> It works!
>> So we can do propositional logic!
>> Summary:
>> t = K
>> f = KI
>> “If x then y else z” = xyz
>> c = Rf
>> d = Tt
>> i = Rt
>> N = Vft
>> Does this close the Turing Universality question? Some of my students
>> thought so. The reason that they give is that with NOT and AND, or with NOT
>> and OR, we are supposed to be able to build the Boolean circuit of some von
>> Neuman computer. But that is not true, we have only the Boolean logic, and
>> to build NAND gates and flip flop, you need time-delay, clock and and some
>> implicit recursion or iteration procedure.
>> In the next chapter (combinator 4), we will obtain recursion, very easily,
>> providing a big step for showing that the combinator gives a (high level!)
>> programming language, which will be the subject matter of combinator 5. In
>> combinator 6 I will explain a *particular* relation between the combinators
>> and the phi_i (and the w_i), and perhaps explain the second recursion
>> theorem in this setting, which is what is needed to get the mathematical
>> definition of the “third person self” (the one obeying to the modal logic G
>> and G*).
>> I might let the things deepen up to the Löbian combinators and their
>> “theology" and “physics". Here too Löbianity is imposed by having
>> sufficiently strong induction axioms, which provide the strong
>> self-referential abilities.
>> I hope you enjoy.
>> Bruno
>> lllopmp
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