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Proof of overlapping universes? 

- pt

On Friday, September 21, 2018 at 11:38:06 PM UTC-5, Bruce wrote:
> From: Brent Meeker < <javascript:>> 
> On Friday, September 21, 2018 at 12:11:01 AM UTC-5, Bruce Kellett wrote: 
>> Adrian Kent (arXiv:1408.1944) makes some interesting comments about the 
>> recent argument by Sebens and Carroll (arXiv:1405.7577) that probability in 
>> MWI can be understood in terms of self-locating uncertainty -- when all 
>> outcomes of a measurement are realized in unitary quantum mechanics, 
>> probabilities might arise because one is does not know in which branch of 
>> the universal wave function one is located. Kent points out that this 
>> raises questions about how branches are formed in unitary quantum mechanics.
>> The usual Everettian argument is that when one measures a state with two 
>> possible outcomes, say a spin-1/2 particle, unitary evolution takes the 
>> states representing the apparatus, observer, and environment to a FAPP 
>> orthogonal set of states branched according to each of the possible 
>> measurement results. Schematically, one writes the interaction with
>>    |psi> = (|+> + |->)/sqrt(2)
>> as |psi>|O>, where O is the "ready" state of the observer (including 
>> apparatus and environment). Thus:
>>   (|+> + |->)|O>
>> At this point there is just one observer who has not become entangled 
>> with the apparatus or the rest of the environment. To take this to the next 
>> stage, Kent points out that we use the distribution law of algebra to 
>> eliminate the above brackets, and write 
> It seems that you are treating this mathematical rewriting as a physical 
> process.  Why insert it between 
> (|+> + |->)|O>  and |+>|O+> + |->|O->   and create the appearance of a 
> problem?
> There is a lacuna in the physical narrative at this point. Each component 
> of the superposition acts on the apparatus/observer in the same 'ready' 
> state in order to get |O+> as different from |O->. This differentiation 
> must take place before decoherence acts to diagonalize the density matrix. 
> Otherwise all terms in the density matrix would be the same and there would 
> be no distinction between outcomes. You can't just paper over this 
> explanatory gap by calling it a mathematical rewriting.
> Bruce
> Brent 
>    |+>|O> + |->|O>  (O is uncertain which result he will see)
>> which, by unitary evolution, becomes entangled with the rest of the wave 
>> function:
>>   |+>|O+> + |->|O->  ( O has a definite result>
>> representing observers who record '+' or '-' results, respectively. 
>> Before the last step, the observer does not know which branch he is on, 
>> hence the self-locating uncertainty that is presumed to be the origin of 
>> quantum probabilities.
>> But Kent points out that there is a problem with this -- in the line in 
>> which O is uncertain, the observer has already split: there is a copy on 
>> each branch of the wave function, even though the observer has not yet 
>> interacted with the apparatus or the environment, so what caused the 
>> observer to split and appear on both branches in this way? We have used the 
>> distribution law of algebra to expand the brackets in such as way as to 
>> naively indicate that such a split has taken place. But how does this 
>> actually happen, physically? Above we are just talking about equations -- 
>> these have to be related to the physics in some unambiguous way.
>> Kent comments on the problem that this causes for the Sebens and Carroll 
>> idea of probability as self-locating uncertainty. But it would seem that 
>> the problem is deeper than this. We commonly divide the Hilbert space into 
>> the tensor product of subspaces representing the apparatus and the 
>> environment, as well as the observer. Then unitary evolution is supposed to 
>> act on each component of this product space so that, ultimately, 
>> decoherence renders the branches FAPP orthogonal, and we can then talk of 
>> separate "worlds". But there is no reason to suppose that this division 
>> into convenient classical components corresponds to any actual 
>> factorization of the quantum Hilbert space -- there is no clear separation 
>> into apparatus-observer-environment, so it is reasonable to call them all 
>> the one thing, as I have done above.
>> Kent comments on this situation as follows:
>> "...these are just  statements about ink on paper. To translate them into 
>> statements about one or more observers, who are uncertain about some 
>> relevant fact about their location on branches, requires some principled 
>> general account of how we start from the universal wave function and derive 
>> an ontology that includes (at least) observers and branches.....and 
>> observers must be split into copies before they observe the relevant 
>> event." Kent sees several problems with any such approach to understanding 
>> the above, apparently simple, mathematical relations.
>> His conclusion is: "Fifty-seven years of sometimes careful work on trying 
>> to make scientific sense of Everettian quantum theory ought, surely, to 
>> have persuaded the theoretical physics community that one cannot make 
>> useful progress this way. Whatever one thinks of the scientific status of 
>> many worlds quantum theory, one cannot reasonably, at this point, think it 
>> is so obvious how to translate equations into statements about a 
>> many-worlds reality that arguments and explanations are redundant."
>> And again: "Moreover, it is worth underlining again here that, if we 
>> *were* able to find reasonably natural postulates that respected 
>> physical symmetries and defined an objective branching structure for the 
>> universal wave function, it would be superfluous to postulate many 
>> independent real worlds. It would be simpler and more natural to postulate 
>> that precisely one of the branches is randomly chosen (using the Born 
>> wright distribution) and realized in nature."
>> That idea would certainly overcome the problem of the apparent need for 
>> apparatus, observers, and the environment to split *before* there is any 
>> interaction -- one potential branch is randomly chosen, and then that 
>> branch develops in the standard way. In reality there would be no splitting 
>> -- just a stochastic process.
>> Bruce

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