On Sunday, October 14, 2018 at 5:08:42 PM UTC, smitra wrote:
> On 14-10-2018 15:24, agrays...@gmail.com <javascript:> wrote: 
> > In a two state system, such as a qubit, what forces the interpretation 
> > that the system is in both states simultaneously before measurement, 
> > versus the interpretation that we just don't what state it's in before 
> > measurement? Is the latter interpretation equivalent to Einstein 
> > Realism? And if so, is this the interpretation allegedly falsified by 
> > Bell experiments? AG 
> It is indeed inconsistent with QM itself as Bell has shown. Experiments 
> have later demonstrated that the Bell inequalities are violated in 
> precisely the way predicted by QM.  This then rules out local hidden 
> variables, therefore the information about the outcome of a measurement 
> is not already present locally in the environment. 
> Saibal 

What puzzles me is this; why would the Founders assume that a system in a 
superposition is in all component states simultaneously -- contradicting 
the intuitive appeal of Einstein realism -- when that assumption is not 
used in calculating probabilities (since the component states are 
orthogonal)? AG 

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